Hello World: Being Human in the Age of Algorithms 英文原版 打开算法黑箱: 反噬的AI、走钟的运算 Hannah Fry 人工智能
英文原版 算法 MIT新概念知识读本 Algorithms (MIT Press Essential Knowledge series)
【预售】Algorithms Illuminated (Part 2): Gra...
过滤世界 算法如何让文化变平 Filterworld How Algorithms Flattened Culture 英文原版 KYLE CHAYKA【中商原版】
【预售】Introduction to Distributed Algorithms
【预售】Algorithms for Large Scale Linear Algebraic
【预售】Elementary Functions: Algorithms and Implementation
【预售】Numerical Algorithms in Algebraic Geometry
【预售】Algorithms and Programming: Problems and Solutions
【预售】Combinatorial Heuristic Algorithms with FORTRAN
【预售】Algorithms in Bioinformatics: 12th International
【预售】Evolutionary Algorithms: The Role of Mutation and
【预售】Multi-Objective Memetic Algorithms
【预售】Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Optimisation
【预售】Simplicial Algorithms for Minimizing Polyhedral
【预售】Models and Algorithms for Global Optimization:
【预售】Towards Dynamic Randomized Algorithms in
【预售】State-Space Search: Algorithms, Complexity,
【预售】Algorithms and Complexity
【预售】Lie Algebras: Theory and Algorithms
【预售】Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and
【预售】Elements of Distributed Algorithms: Modeling and
【预售】Classification Algorithms for Codes and Designs
【预售】Max-Linear Systems: Theory and Algorithms
【预售】Complex Binary Number System: Algorithms and
【预售】Algorithms for Computer Algebra
【预售】Parallel Algorithms and Cluster Computing:
【预售】Algorithms in Bioinformatics
【预售】Algorithms and Applications: Essays Dedicated to
【预售】Fuzzy Logic-Based Algorithms for Video
【预售】Machine Vision Algorithms in Java: Techniques and
【预售】Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Multiobjective
【预售】Parameter Setting in Evolutionary Algorithms
【预售】Algorithms and Software for Predictive and
【预售】Graph Theory with Algorithms and Its Applications:
【预售】Matrix Methods: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
【预售】Efficient Algorithms for Listing Combinatorial
【预售】Scheduling: Theory, Algorithms, and Systems
【预售】Trends in Developing Metaheuristics, Algorithms, and
【预售】Algorithms: Main Ideas and Applications
【预售】Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms
【预售】Project Scheduling: Recent Models, Algorithms and
【预售】Data Streams: Algorithms and Applications
【预售】Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics
【预售】Digraphs: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
【预售】Electric Power System Planning: Issues, Algorithms
【预售】Algorithms for Random Generation and Counting: A
【预售】Convex Analysis and Minimization Algorithms: Part 1:
【预售】Algorithms - ESA 2010: 18th Annual European
【预售】Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook
【预售】Applied Optimization: Formulation and Algorithms for
【预售】Phylogenetic Networks: Concepts, Algorithms and
【预售】Microcomputer Algorithms
【预售】Monte Carlo: Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications
【预售】Algorithms in C, Parts 1-4: Fundamen...
【预售】Triangulations: Structures for Algorithms and
【预售】Algorithms Unplugged
【预订】Approximation Algorithms and Semidef...
【预售】Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
【预售】An Optimization Primer: On Models, Algorithms, and
【预售】Conjugate Gradient Algorithms and Finite Element
【预售】Experimental Algorithms: 11th International
【预售】Algorithms in Modern Mathematics and Computer
【预订】Hardware Acceleration of EDA Algorithms
【预售】Evolutionary Algorithms in Theory and Practice:
【预售】An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms
【预售】Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse Problems in
【预售】Graph Theory for Programmers: Algorithms for
【预售】Sampling Algorithms
【预售】Sharing a Vision: Systems and Algorithms for
【预售】Computational Structures and Algorithms for
【预订】Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Ap...
【预售】Approximation Algorithms for Complex Systems:
【预售】Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms: 9th
【预售】Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms: Theory, Design
【预订】Methodology, Models and Algorithms i...
【预售】Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for
【预售】The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms
【预售】Stochastic Approximation and Recursive Algorithms
【预售】Pattern Recognition Algorithms for Data Mining
【预售】Advanced Networks, Algorithms and Modeling for
【预售】Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms:
【预售】Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and
【预售】Kernel Based Algorithms for Mining Huge Data Sets:
【预售】Inherently Parallel Algorithms in Feasibility and
【预售】Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and
【预售】Average Case Analysis Of Algorithms On Sequences
【预售】Graph Algorithms
【预售】Algorithms for Elliptic Problems, Efficient
【预售】Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms
【预售】Matters Computational: Ideas, Algorithms, Source
【预售】Algorithms in Bioinformatics: 8th International
【预售】Fun with Algorithms: 5th International Conference
【预售】Algorithms for Quadratic Matrix and Vector
【预售】Algorithms and Computation: 19th International
【预售】Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph: 9th