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海外直订Believable Bots: Can Computers Play Like People? 可信的机器人:电脑能像人一样玩游戏吗?
海外直订Developing Cognitive Bots Using the IBM Watson Engine: Practical, Hands-On Guide 使用IBM Wats
海外直订Beat The Bots: How Your Humanity Can Future-Proof Your Tech Sales Career 击败机器人:你的人性如何证明你未来
海外直订Developing Bots with Microsoft Bots Framework: Create Intelligent Bots Using MS 使用微软机器人框架开发机器
海外直订Introducing Azure Bot Service: Building Bots for Business 介绍Azure机器人服务:为企业构建机器人
【4周达】What To Do When Machines Do Everything: How To Getahead In A World Of Ai, Algorithms, Bots, ... [9781119278665]
海外直订Designing Bots: Creating Conversational Experiences 设计机器人程序:创造对话体验
【4周达】Algo Bots and the Law: Technology, Automation, and the Regulation of Futures and Other Deriv... [9781316616536]
【4周达】Developing Bots with Microsoft Bots Framework : Create Intelligent Bots using MS Bot Framewo... [9781484233115]
【4周达】Beat The Bots: How Your Humanity Can Future-Proof Your Tech Sales Career [9781544503455]
【4周达】Make: Arduino Bots and Gadgets: Six Embedded Projects with Open Source Hardware and Software [9781449389710]
【4周达】Malicious Bots : An Inside Look into the Cyber-Criminal Underground of the Internet [9780367387037]
【4周达】Practical Bot Development : Designing and Building Bots with Node.js and Microsoft Bot Frame... [9781484235393]
【4周达】Practical Video Game Bots : Automating Game Processes using C++, Python, and AutoIt [9781484237359]
预订 Brass, Blimps and Bots [9781912948482]
【4周达】Introducing Azure Bot Service : Building Bots for Business [9781484248874]
【4周达】Make:Vol 27 Technology on Your Time: Robots! Build These Bots from Easy to Astounding [9781449302467]
【4周达】Beat The Bots: How Your Humanity Can Future-Proof Your Tech Sales Career [9781544503448]
【4周达】Practical Artificial Intelligence : Machine Learning, Bots, and Agent Solutions Using C# [9781484233566]
【4周达】Algo Bots and the Law: Technology, Automation, and the Regulation of Futures and Other Deriv... [9781107164796]
【4周达】OG Lafunk: Poor Little Church Mouse: Attack of the TV Bots! [9781927028186]
【4周达】Dialogroboter : Wie Bots und künstliche Intelligenz Medien und Massenkommunikation verändern [9783658243920]
【4周达】Incredible Change-Bots: More Than Just Machines! [9781891830914]
【4周达】Developing Cognitive Bots Using the IBM Watson Engine : Practical, Hands-on Guide to Develop... [9781484255544]
【4周达】Designing Bots: Creating Conversational Experiences [9781491974827]
【4周达】Homemade Robots: 10 Simple Bots to Build with Stuff Around the House [9781718500235]
【4周达】3D Printing Projects: Toys, Bots, Tools, and Vehicles to Print Yourself [9781457187247]
【4周达】Believable Bots : Can Computers Play Like People? [9783642445958]
海外直订Rise of the Snot-Bots 鼻涕机器人的崛起
【4周达】Fake News, Hashtags & Social Bots : Neue Methoden populistischer Propaganda [9783658221171]
【4周达】Die neue Öffentlichkeit : Wie Bots, Bürger und Big Data den Journalismus verändern [9783658208080]
乐高齿轮机器人 LEGO Gear Bots Create 8 Machines 英文原版 乐高建筑虫 克鲁茨乐高系列 手工DIY玩具操作书 小学STEM辅导用书
Layla and the Bots Cupcake Fix 学乐大树系列 莱拉和机器人3 故事图画书 英文原版 儿童英语课外分级阅读趣味性桥梁漫画书 5-7岁
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英文原版 Layla and the Bots #3 Cupcake Fix 莱拉和博特3 巧克力修复 英文版 进口英语原版书籍儿童全英语书
乐高齿轮机器人 英文原版 LEGO Gear Bots Create 8 Machines 乐高建筑虫 克鲁茨乐高系列 手工DIY玩具操作书 小学STEM辅导用书
The Bots Collection 机甲星球的机器人1-4册套装进口原版英文书籍
英文原版 The Bots Collection #2 机甲星球的机器人5-8册套装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
Layla and the Bots #3:Cupcake Fix莱拉和博特#3巧克力修复进口原版英文书籍
海外直订Cool Robots to Color - Coloring Books Rescue Bots Edition 酷机器人到彩色书籍救援机器人版
英文原版 The Bots Collection 机甲星球的机器人4册套装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
海外直订Fidget and the Bully Bots 菲吉特和恶霸机器人
海外直订Making Waves: A Branches Book (Layla and the Bot... 《兴风作浪:分支书》(Layla and the Bots #4)
英文原版 The Bots Ten-Book Collection 机甲星球的机器人1-10册套装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍