美国BW BioFuel生物碳源素除硝酸盐磷酸盐美国Brightwell降NP
【出版社直供】Code for Design of Densified Biofuel Projects for Heating Boilers 生物质锅炉供热成型燃料工程设计规范
直供Specification for Preparation of Feasibility Study Report on Densified Biofuel Heating Projects 生物质成型燃料供热
直供Technical Specification for Storage and Transportation of Densified Biofuel for Heating Boiler 生物质锅炉供热成型
出版社直供】Code for Design of Densified Biofuel Boiler Plants (NB/T 102402019)生物质成型燃料锅炉房设计规范 国家能源局
【预售】Green Nanotechnology for Biofuel Pro...
【预售】The Biofuel Delusion: The Fallacy of Large-Scale
【预订】Recycling of Solid Waste for Biofuel...
【预售】Soil Quality and Biofuel Production
【预售】Microwave-Mediated Biofuel Productio...
【预订】Bioprocessing for Biofuel Production
【预订】Genetic and Metabolic Engineering for Improved Biofuel Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass
【预订】Biotechnology for Biofuel Production...
【预售】Sugarcane as Biofuel Feedstock
【预售】Metabolic Regulation and Metabolic Engineering for Biofuel and Biochemical Production
【预订】Biofuel Technologies
【预订】Microbial Strategies for Techno-economic Biofuel Production 9789811571923
【预售】Efficiency and Sustainability in Biofuel Production
【预售】Green Nanotechnology for Biofuel Production
【预售】Green Chemistry for Sustainable Biofuel Production
【预订】Biofuel Production Technologies: Critical Analysis for Sustainability
【预订】Sustainability of Biofuel Production from Oil Palm Biomass
【预订】The Economics of Biofuel Policies
【预售】Liquid Biofuel Production
【预售】Microalgae Biotechnology for Development of Biofuel and Wastewater Treatment
【预订】Biofuel Production Technologies: Critical Analysis for Sustainability 9789811386398
【预订】Fundamentals of Biofuel Production Processes
【预订】Microbial Strategies for Techno-economic Biofuel Production
【预订】Biomass to Biofuel Supply Chain Design and Planning Under Uncertainty: Concepts and Quantitative Methods
【预订】Computational Modeling in Lignocellulosic Biofuel Production
【预订】Nanobiotechnology for Sustainable Bioenergy and Biofuel Production
【预订】Pre-treatment Methods of Lignocellulosic Biomass for Biofuel Production 9781032066929
【预订】Methane Activation and Utilization in the Petrochemical and Biofuel Industries 9783030884239
【预订】Biofuel Production Using Anaerobic Digestion 9789811937422
【预订】Metabolic Regulation and Metabolic Engineering for Biofuel and Biochemical Production
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[预订]Pre-treatment Methods of Lignocellulosic Biomass for Biofuel Production 9781032066936
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【4周达】Biomass to Biofuel Supply Chain Design and Planning Under Uncertainty: Concepts and Quantita... [9780128206409]
【4周达】Genetic and Metabolic Engineering for Improved Biofuel Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass [9780128179536]
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【4周达】Nanobiotechnology for Sustainable Bioenergy and Biofuel Production [9780367085872]
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【4周达】Biotechnology for Biofuel Production and Optimization [9780444634757]
【4周达】Pre-treatment Methods of Lignocellulosic Biomass for Biofuel Production [9781032066936]
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