全新欧洲Europan竞赛作品合集 国外优秀作品集排版参考
【4周达】Urban Design on the Move: Five Stories about Implementing a Winning Europan Project [9783986121006]
【4周达】Europan 17: Lebendige Städte 2 / Living Cities 2: Ergebnisse / Results [9783986121341]
【4周达】Europan 16 Austria - Living Cities [9783038602965]
海外直订Europan 15: The Productive City 2: Results 欧洲15:多产的城市2:结果
【4周达】Europan 15: Produktive Stadte 2 / The Productive City 2: Ergebnisse / Results [9783868596427]
海外直订Europan 15 Austria--Productive Cities 2: Resources, Mobility, Equity 奥地利-生产城市2:资源,流动性,公平
【4周达】Europan Reef Gold [9798869262264]
[预订]Europan 16 Austria – Living Cities 9783038602965