帝王吉丁虫 Euchroma gigantea gigantea 未整姿原虫 E007
食虫植物-巨大捕虫堇 Pinguicula gigantea
稀有种 进口植株Phal.gigantea象耳蝴蝶兰原生种 婆罗洲原产
【清凉一夏】巨大腺毛草Byblis gigantea 稀有多年生 包顺丰冰袋
黄色安达曼芋Leucocasia Gigantea Yellow Andaman大野芋象耳芋锦
【预售 按需印刷】Diabetic wound healing effect of Calotropis gigantea latex ointment
【预售按需印刷】Toxicity Reduction Of Calotropis Gigantea During Biomethanation
预售 按需印刷Untersuchung der Phytochemie und der Antioxidantien der Pflanze Calotropis gigantea德语ger
预订 Bio-efficacy of Calotropis gigantea plant extracts against H. armigera [9783330325142]
预订 Toxicity Reduction Of Calotropis Gigantea During Biomethanation [9783659126185]
预订 Calotropis gigantea: Potent Source of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles [9786200274038]
预订 Micropropagation of Furcraea gigantea [9783659914140]
预订 Screening of aerial parts of Calotropis gigantea [9783659774249]
预订 Genetic Relationship and in Vitro Propagation of Phalaenopsis Gigantea [9783844386608]
预订 Synergistic effect of T. procumbens and C. gigantea with Ibuprofen [9783659464973]
预订 Diabetic wound healing effect of Calotropis gigantea latex ointment [9783659246050]
预订 Phytochemistry of CALOTROPIS gigantea [9786200295224]
预订 Protease from Calotropis gigantea Linn. [9786203471960]
预售 按需印刷 Phytochemistry of CALOTROPIS gigantea
预售 按需印刷Molekulare Evolution der Pyranose-2- Oxidase aus Peniophora gigantea德语ger
Phal.(gigantea var.alba x violacea var.alba