【预订】Staatseigentum: Legitimation Und Gre...
海外直订Legitimation in the European Union: A Discourse- And Field-Theoretical View 欧盟的合法性:话语与场域理论视角
【预售】Legitimation Privater Governance: Chancen Und
【预售】Domination, Legitimation, and Resistance: The Inc
【预订】Legitimation in the European Union: A Discourse- And Field-Theoretical View
【预订】Democratic Legitimation of Central Bank Independence in the European 9783030751173
【预订】Legitimation in the European Union
海外直订Turning Access Into Success: Improving University Education with Legitimation Co 把机会变成成功:用正当化法
海外直订Turning Access Into Success: Improving University Education with Legitimation Co 将机会转化为成功:用合法性
海外直订Multimodal Legitimation 多通道合法化
预订 Multimodal Legitimation: Understanding and Analysing Political and Cultural Discourse 多模式合法化: 9781138102637
【预售】Law and Irresponsibility: On the Legitimation of
预售 按需印刷 Discourses of Legitimation in the News
海外直订The Politics of Private Security: Regulation, Reform and Re-Legitimation 私人保安的政治:管制、改革与再合法
预订 Legitimation in a World at Risk
预订 The Politics of Legitimation in the European Union: Legitimacy Recovered? 欧盟的合法化政治:合法性恢复了吗?: 97810
预订 Discourses of Legitimation in the News: The Case of the Economic Crisis in Greece 新闻中的合法性话语:以希腊经济危
预订 Small Farms: Persistence with Legitimation: 9780367287405
[预订]Legitimation of Social Rights and the Western Welfare State 9780807896679
海外直订Accessing Academic Discourse: Systemic Functional Linguistics and Legitimation C 获取学术话语:系统功能语言
海外直订Enhancing Science Education: Exploring Knowledge Practices with Legitimation Cod 加强科学教育:用正当化代码
海外直订Accessing Academic Discourse: Systemic Functional Linguistics and Legitimation C 获取学术语篇:系统功能语言
英文原版 Legitimation Crisis 合法化危机 尤尔根·哈贝马斯 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
预订 Demystifying Critical Reflection: Improving Pedagogy and Practice with Legitimation Code Theory 揭开批判性反思的神
预订 Elusive Subjects: Immigrant Recognition and Legitimation in Modern Surveillance States 难以捉摸的主题 :现代监控国
Legitimation Crisis 合法化危机 尤尔根·哈贝马斯
预订 Discourses of Legitimation in the News: The Case of the Economic Crisis in Greece 新闻合法化论述:以希腊经济危机为
Legitimation Crisis
【4周达】Building Knowledge in Higher Education : Enhancing Teaching and Learning with Legitimation C... [9780367463335]
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【4周达】Knowledge-building : Educational studies in Legitimation Code Theory [9780415692335]
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【4周达】Legitimation privater Governance : Chancen und Probleme am Beispiel von ISO 26000 [9783834941121]
【4周达】England's Empty Throne: Usurpation and the Language of Legitimation, 1399-1422 [9780268041212]
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【4周达】Multimodal Legitimation: Understanding and Analysing Political and Cultural Discourse [9781138102637]
【4周达】Legitimation Crisis [Wiley社会学] [9780745606095]
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【4周达】Ethische Legitimation des Managements : Der diskursiv-integre Managementmodus [9783658269128]
预订 Legitimation of Social Rights and the Western Welfare State: A Weberian Perspective [9780807896679]
【4周达】Governing Migration Through Paperwork: Legitimation Practices, Exclusive Inclusion and Diffe... [9781805396116]
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预订 Enhancing Science Education: Exploring Knowledge Practices with Legitimation Code Theory [9780367518707]
【4周达】Legitimation as Political Practice: Crafting Everyday Authority in Tanzania [9781009015721]
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【4周达】Discourses of Legitimation in the News: The Case of the Economic Crisis in Greece [9781032338095]
【4周达】Small Farms: Persistence with Legitimation [9780367302863]
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【4周达】Turning Access into Success: Improving University Education with Legitimation Code Theory [9780367335618]
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【4周达】Enhancing Science Education: Exploring Knowledge Practices with Legitimation Code Theory [9780367518691]
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【4周达】Branding Authoritarian Nations: Political Legitimation and Strategic National Myths in Milit... [9781032517568]
【4周达】Communication, Legitimation and Morality in Modern Politics: Studying Public Justification [9780367891992]
预订 Rethinking Higher Education and the Crisis of Legitimation in Europe [9781032281346]
【4周达】Accessing Academic Discourse : Systemic Functional Linguistics and Legitimation Code Theory [9780367236076]
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