【预售 按需印刷】Perestroika
英文原版 Perestroika in Paris 巴黎改革 一千英亩作者 普利策奖得主Jane Smiley英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预订】Perestroika in Perspective
[预订]Perestroika Under the Tsars 9781350184671
[预订]Perestroika Under the Tsars 9781850435198
海外直订University Autonomy in Russian Federation Since Perestroika 俄罗斯联邦自改革开放以来的大学自治
【4周达】University Autonomy in the Russian Federation Since Perestroika [9780415932967]
【4周达】Russian Corporate Capitalism from Peter the Great to Perestroika [9780195096774]
【4周达】Children of Perestroika in Israel [9780761813149]
预订 Perestroika [9781435757042]
预订 Gorbachev And His Enemies : The Struggle For Perestroika [9780367156886]
【4周达】Perestroika in the Soviet Republics: Documents on the National Question [9780367282622]
【4周达】The New Stage of Perestroika [9780367309879]
【4周达】Perestroika in the Soviet Republics: Documents on the National Question [9780367298081]
【4周达】Ksze-Prozess Und Perestroika in Der Sowjetunion: Demokratisierung, Werteumbruch Und Auflösu... [9783486705102]
【4周达】The New Stage of Perestroika [9780367294410]
【4周达】Gorbachev and His Enemies: The Struggle for Perestroika [9780367007010]
【4周达】Socialism, Perestroika, and the Dilemmas of Soviet Economic Reform [9780367287757]
【4周达】Late Soviet Culture from Perestroika to Novostroika [9780822312918]
【4周达】Perestroika Glasnost and Socialism [9781482813531]
【4周达】Why Perestroika Failed: The Politics and Economics of Socialist Transformation [9780415085144]
预订 Chernenko, the Last Bolshevik: Soviet Union on the Eve of Perestroika 切尔年科,*的布尔什维克:佩雷斯特罗伊卡前
预订 Perestroika in the Soviet Republics: Documents on the National Question: 9780367282622
【4周达】Soviet Historians and Perestroika: The First Phase : The First Phase [9780873325547]
预订 Chernenko, the Last Bolshevik: Soviet Union on the Eve of Perestroika 切尔诺科,*的布尔什维克:在改革前夕的苏联: 97
预订 The New Stage of Perestroika: 9780367294410
【4周达】Perestroika Under the Tsars [9781350184671]
预订 The Soviet Union 19881989: Perestroika In Crisis? 苏联19881989:危机中的Perestroika?: 9780367296094
【4周达】Perestroika in Eastern Europe: Hungary's Economic Transformation, 1945-1988 [9780367298074]
【4周达】Ukraine Under Perestroika: Ecology, Economics and the Workers' Revolt [9780333492604]
【4周达】Perestroika in Eastern Europe: Hungary's Economic Transformation, 1945-1988 [9780367282615]
【4周达】Socialism, Perestroika, and the Dilemmas of Soviet Economic Reform [9780367303211]
预订 Perestroika In Eastern Europe: Hungary’s Economic Transformation, 19451988 东欧Perestroika:匈牙利的经济转型,1945
海外直订Children of Perestroika 改革的孩子们
【4周达】Ukraine under Perestroika : Ecology, Economics and the Workers' Revolt [9781349108824]
【4周达】Soviet Workers and the Collapse of Perestroika: The Soviet Labour Process and Gorbachev's Re... [9780521452922]
【4周达】Perestroika!: The Raucous Rebellion in Political Science [9780300099812]
预订 Perestroika in Eastern Europe: Hungary’s Economic Transformation, 1945-1988: 9780367282615
【4周达】Russian Talk: Culture and Conversation during Perestroika [9780801484162]
【4周达】Glasnost, Perestroika and the Soviet Media [9780415035514]
【4周达】Soviet Society Under Perestroika [9780415076005]
【4周达】Perestroika Era Politics: The New Soviet Legislature and Gorbachev's Political Reforms : The... [9780873328302]
【4周达】Soviet Society Under Perestroika [9781138465923]
【4周达】Children of Perestroika: Moscow Teenagers Talk About Their Lives and the Future: Moscow Teen... [9781563240003]
【4周达】Perestroika Era Politics: The New Soviet Legislature and Gorbachev's Political Reforms : The... [9780873328296]
预订 The Children of Perestroika: Moscow Teenagers Talk About Their Lives and the Future: Moscow Teenagers Talk About Th
【4周达】Russian Talk: Culture and Conversation during Perestroika [9780801433856]
预订 The "Children of Perestroika" Come of Age: Young People of Moscow Talk About Life in the New Russia: 9781563242861
【4周达】Angels in America Part Two: Perestroika: Part II [9781854592552]
【预售】Earrings for a Black Day: Surviving Perestroika in
预订Angels in America Part Two: Perestroika
Perestroika in Paris 巴黎改革 一千英亩作者 普利策奖得主Jane Smiley
海外直订Perestroika in Paris 巴黎的改革
预订Perestroika in Paris:A novel
【4周达】Late and Post-Soviet Russian Literature: A Reader, Book 1 - Perestroika and the Post-Soviet ... [9781618113832]
【4周达】Perestroika in Paris: A novel [9780525436096]
【4周达】Late and Post-Soviet Russian Literature: A Reader, Book 1 - Perestroika and the Post-Soviet ... [9781936235407]