品达和伊克蒂诺 Pindar and Ictinus 安格尔油画 古希腊杰出人物
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【4周达】Pindar: 'Pythian Eleven': - Pindar: 'Pythian Eleven' [9780521289900]
预订 CBG Pindar and the Emergence of Literature [9781107116634]
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【4周达】Pindar: 'Pythian Eleven': - Pindar: 'Pythian Eleven' [9780521884815]
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【4周达】Pindar's Mythmaking: The Fourth Pythian Ode [9780691610757]
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预订 Die Funktion Des Mythos Bei Pindar: Interpretationen Zu Sechs Pindargedichten [9783110023749]
【4周达】Pindar [9780198143383]
【4周达】Two Studies on Pindar: edited by Arlette Neumann-Hartmann [9783034316767]
【4周达】Pindar: The Antarctic Iceberg [9789948779902]
英文原版 Nemean Odes. Isthmian Odes. Fragments Pindar
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【4周达】Soliciting Darkness: Pindar, Obscurity, and the Classical Tradition [9780674012578]
【4周达】Pindar's Homer: The Lyric Possession of an Epic Past [9780801848476]
【4周达】Pindar's Poetics of Immortality [9781107135017]
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【4周达】A Commentary on Pindar, Nemean Nine [9783110161243]
【4周达】Pindar's Nemeans:A Selection. Edition and Commentary [9783598730283]
【4周达】Epinikion : General Form in the Odes of Pindar [9789027926234]
【预售 按需印刷】Odes Of Pindar V1 With Several Other Pieces In Prose And Verse
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【4周达】Myth, Locality, and Identity in Pindar's Sicilian Odes [9780190910310]
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【4周达】Instaurations: Essays in and Out of Literature Pindar to Pound [9780520358546]
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【4周达】Pindar and the Sublime: Greek Myth, Reception, and Lyric Experience [9781350198166]
【4周达】Agonistic Poetry: The Pindaric Mode in Pindar, Horace, Hoelderlin, and the English Ode [9780520367449]
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预订 Graceful Errors: Pindar and the Performance of Praise [9780472113309]
【预售】Pindar: Pythian Eleven
【预售】First-Person Fictions: Pindar's Poetic "I"
【预订】Myth, Locality, and Identity in Pindar’s Sicilian Odes
海外直订Choreia: Pindar and Dance 舞蹈家:品达和舞蹈
【预售】Aglaia: The Poetry of Alcman, Sappho, Pindar
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【预订】Theatrical Reenactment in Pindar and Aeschylus
【预售】Pindar's Paeans: A Reading of the Fragments with a
【预售】Pindar's Verbal Art: An Ethnographic Study of
【预售】Thucydides and Pindar: Historical Narrative and the
【预售】Pindar and the Poetics of Permanence
【预售】Thucydides and Pindar
【预售】Pindar. Tr. by the REV. C. A. Wheelwright ... and
【预订】Pindar’s Mythmaking
【预订】Pindar’s Library
【预售】Pindar's Mythmaking: The Fourth Pythian Ode
【预订】Pindar and the Emergence of Literature
【预售】Pindar: Olympian and Pythian Odes: With an
【预售】"Phthonos" in Pindar
【预售】Pindar: Nemean and Isthmian Odes: With Notes
海外直订The Works of Peter Pindar, Esq. 《彼得·品达先生的作品》
海外直订More Lyric Odes to the Royal Academicians, by Peter Pindar, Esq. a Distant Relat 《给皇家院士的更多抒情诗》
海外直订Sir Joseph Banks and the Emperor of Morocco. a Tale. by Peter Pindar, Esquire. 约瑟夫·班克斯爵士和摩洛哥皇
【预订】Pindar and Greek Religion 9781108831192
海外直订Myth, Locality, and Identity in Pindar's Sicilian Odes 品达《西西里颂歌》中的神话、地域与身份
海外直订Pindar: 'Pythian Eleven' 品达:'Pythian Eleven'
海外直订Pindar's Poetry, Patrons, and Festivals: From Archaic Greece to the Roman Empire 品达的诗歌,赞助人,和节日
海外直订Odes of Pindar. Translated From the Greek. By Gilbert West, 品达颂。翻译自希腊语。吉尔伯特·韦斯特著,
海外直订Subjects for Painters. by Peter Pindar, Esquire. 画家的题材。彼得·品达先生。
海外直订The Mousiad: An Heroi-comic Poem. Canto I. By Polly Pindar, Half-sister to Peter 《老鼠:一首英雄喜剧诗》第
海外直订Pindar's ode to Prosperina. Translated From the French of Monsieur de la Motte. 品达对普洛斯彼丽娜的颂歌。
海外直订A Translation of all the Pythian, Nemean, and Isthmian Odes of Pindar, Except th 品达的所有皮提亚诗、尼米亚
【4周达】Pindar's Songs for Young Athletes of Aigina [9780199277940]
【4周达】Pindar [9781853997112]
海外直订Pindar's Library: Performance Poetry and Material Texts 品达图书馆:表演诗歌与材料文本