海外直订Precession, Nutation and Wobble of the Earth 地球的进动、章动和摆动
海外直订The Earth's Motion of Rotation: Including the Theory of Precession and Nutation 地球的自转运动
海外直订On the Precession of a Viscous Spheroid and on the Remote History of the Earth 关于粘性球体的进动和地球的遥
【4周达】Precession, Nutation and Wobble of the Earth [9781107092549]
【4周达】Theory and Modeling of Rotating Fluids: Convection, Inertial Waves and Precession - Theory a... [9780521850094]
【4周达】Precession, Nutation and Wobble of the Earth [9781107465824]
海外直订Beyond the Einstein Addition Law and Its Gyroscopic Thomas Precession: The Theor 超越爱因斯坦加法定律及其陀
【4周达】Beyond the Einstein Addition Law and its Gyroscopic Thomas Precession : The Theory of Gyrogr... [9780792369103]
【4周达】Beyond the Einstein Addition Law and its Gyroscopic Thomas Precession : The Theory of Gyrogr... [9781402003530]
海外直订The Earth's Motion of Rotation: Including the Theory of Precession and Nutation 地球自转:包括岁差理论和章动
海外直订Signals from the Subatomic World: How to Build a Proton Precession Magnetometer 来自亚原子世界的信号:如何建
海外直订Beyond the Einstein Addition Law and Its Gyroscopic Thomas Precession: The Theor 超越爱因斯坦加法及其陀螺托
海外直订Mathematical Tracts On Physical Astronomy, the Figure of the Earth, Precession a 《物理天文学数学指南》、《
【r】 旋转流体理论与数值模拟:热对流、惯性波和进动流:convection, inertial waves and precession 9787030669728 科学出版社
RT正版 旋转流体理论与数值模拟:热对流、惯波和进动流:convection, inertial waves and precession 9787030669728 科学出版社
原装供应UTI Instruments Precession 气体分析仪 100C-02 控制单
【预订】Precession, Nutation and Wobble of t...
[预订]Mathematical Tracts On Physical Astronomy, the Figure of the Earth, Precession and Mutation, and the 9781017402193
[预订]Detection Coil Design for a High Information Rate Earth’s Field Nuclear Precession Magnetometer. 9781013995705