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海外直订Technological Change and Regional Development in Europe 欧洲的技术变革与区域发展
海外直订Displacement of Men by Machines - Effects of Technological Change in Commercial 用机器代替人.商业印刷技术
海外直订Technological Change and Skill Development in Sudan 苏丹的技术变革和技能发展
海外直订Technological Aspects of Virtual Organizations: Enabling the Intelligent Enterpr 虚拟组织的技术方面:实现智
海外直订Technological Advances in Tellurite Glasses: Properties, Processing, and Applica 碲酸盐玻璃的技术进展:性能
海外直订Technological Systems in the Bio Industries: An International Study 生物产业技术体系的国际研究
预订Human and Technological Progress Towards the Socio-Economic Paradigm of the Future:Part 1
海外直订Organizational and Technological Implications of Cognitive Machines: Designing F 认知机器的组织和技术含义:
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按需印刷Technological Innovations in Knowledge Management and Decision Support[9781522561644]
海外直订Technological Innovation Management 技术创新管理
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海外直订European Communities Oil and Gas Technological Development Projects: Fourth Stat 欧洲共同体石油和天然气技术
海外直订Mechatronics 2013: Recent Technological and Scientific Advances 机电一体化2013:最新技术和科学进展
海外直订E-Strategies for Technological Diffusion and Adoption: National ICT Approaches f 技术扩散和采用的电子战略:
海外直订Enterprise Information Systems for Business Integration in SMEs: Technological, 中小企业业务集成的企业信息
现货 技术奇点 英文原版 The Technological Singularity (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series) 麻省理工学术书
海外直订Technological Inventions 技术发明
海外直订Advances in Cold-Region Thermal Engineering and Sciences: Technological, Environ 寒冷地区热工和科学的进展:
海外直订Technological Innovations in Knowledge Management and Decision Support 知识管理和决策支持方面的技术创新
The Technological Singularity 英文原版 技术奇点 MIT新概念丛书 计算机科学 人工智能 英文版进口原版英语书籍
海外直订Technological, Managerial and Organizational Core Competencies: Dynamic Innovati 技术、管理和组织核心能力:
海外直订Research on E-Learning and Ict in Education: Technological, Pedagogical and Inst 教育中的电子学习和Ict研究
海外直订Building in Hot and Humid Regions: Historical Perspective and Technological Adva 湿热地区的建筑:历史展望与
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海外直订Starches for Food Application: Chemical, Technological and Health Properties 食品应用淀粉:化学,技术和健康属性
海外直订Technological Innovation for Cloud-Based Engineering Systems: 6th Ifip Wg 5.5/So 基于云的工程系统的技术创新
技术奇点 英文原版 The Technological Singularity (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series) 麻省理工学术书 中图
海外直订医药图书Milk Proteins: Nutritional, Clinical, Functional and Technological Aspects 乳蛋白:营养、临床、功能
海外直订Emerging Trends in Technological Innovation: First Ifip Wg 5.5/Socolnet Doctoral 技术创新的新兴趋势:第一届I
海外直订Technological Innovation for Cyber-Physical Systems: 7th Ifip Wg 5.5/Socolnet Ad 物理系统的技术创新:第
预订The Idea of the Communiversity:Releasing the Natural, Cultural, Technological and Economic GENE-ius of Societies
海外直订Enhancing Art, Culture, and Design With Technological Integration 通过技术集成增强艺术、文化和设计
海外直订The Due Diligence in Maritime Transportation in the Technological Era 技术时代的海上运输尽职调查
海外直订Risks in Technological Systems 技术系统的风险
【预售 按需印刷】Cases on Technological Adaptability and Transnational Learning
海外直订Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives 虚拟企业集成:技术和组织视角
海外直订Technological Progress, Income Distribution, and Unemployment: Theory and Empiri 技术进步、收入分配与失业:
海外直订Technological Tools for the Literacy Classroom 扫盲教室的技术工具
海外直订Hayabusa2 Asteroid Sample Return Mission: Technological Innovation and Advances 隼鸟2号小行星样本返回任务:技术
海外直订Optimization Methods: From Theory to Design Scientific and Technological Aspects 优化方法:从理论到设计力学
预订Human & Technological Resource Management (HTRM):New Insights into Revolution 4.0
海外直订Technological Tools for Value-Based Sustainable Relationships in Health: Emergin 卫生领域基于价值的可持续关
海外直订Technological Applications of Nanomaterials 纳米材料的技术应用
海外直订Electricity in the American Economy: Agent of Technological Progress 美国经济中的电力:技术进步的推动者
预订Technological Breakthroughs and Future Business Opportunities in Education, Health, and Outer Space
【预售 按需印刷】Global Perspectives on Technological Innovation (Hc)
海外直订Should We Risk It?: Exploring Environmental, Health, and Technological Problem S 我们应该冒这个险吗?:探索环境
海外直订Modeling, Learning, and Processing of Text-Technological Data Structures 文本技术数据结构的建模、学习和处理
海外直订Electrochemical Supercapacitors: Scientific Fundamentals and Technological Appli 电化学超级电容器:科学基础
【预售 按需印刷】Knowledge and Technological Development Effects on Organizational and Social Structures
海外直订Sustainable Smart Cities: Creating Spaces for Technological, Social and Business 可持续智慧城市:为技术、社
海外直订Advancing Library Education: Technological Innovation and Instructional Design 推进图书馆教育:技术创新与教
【预售 按需印刷】Ethical Impact of Technological Advancements and Applications in Society
海外直订Numerical Methods for Differential Equations, Optimization, and Technological Pr 微分方程、优化和技术问题的数值
海外直订Enhancing Performance and Reducing Stress in Sports: Technological Advances 提高运动成绩和减轻压力:技术进步
海外直订医药图书Microbial Biotechnology: Technological Challenges and Developmental Trends 微生物生物技术:技术挑战
海外直订Technological Challenges: The Human Side of the Digital Age 技术挑战:数字时代的人类方面
按需印刷Global Perspectives on Technological Innovation[9781623960582]
海外直订High-Pressure Crystallography: From Fundamental Phenomena to Technological Appli 高压结晶学:从基本现象到技术应
【预售 按需印刷】Technological Developments in Industry 4.0 for Business Applications
海外直订Digital Future Economic Growth, Social Adaptation, and Technological Perspective 数字未来经济增长、社会适应和技
海外直订Social Robots: Technological, Societal and Ethical Aspects of Human-Robot Intera 社交机器人:人机交互的技术