海外直订Forensic Authorship Analysis and the World Wide Web 法医学著作分析与万维网
海外直订Machine Learning Methods for Stylometry: Authorship Attribution and Author Profi 文体学的机器学习方法:作者归属
现货 Authorship 进口艺术 作者:话语,建筑系列 Princeton University【中商原版】
海外直订Clowning and Authorship in Early Modern Theatre 早期现代戏剧中的小丑表演与作者身份
按需印刷Revision and Romantic Authorship[9780198186342]
海外直订Becoming a Woman of Letters: Myths of Authorship and Facts of the Victorian Mark 成为文学女性:作者的神话和维多
海外直订Gender, Collaboration, and Authorship in German Culture: Literary Joint Ventures 德国文化中的性别、合作与作
海外直订The Scientific Journal: Authorship and the Politics of Knowledge in the Nineteen 科学杂志:十九世纪的作者身
海外直订The Films of Martin Scorsese, 1963-77: Authorship and Context 马丁·斯科塞斯的电影,1963- 1977:作者和背景
海外直订Fictions of Authorship in Late Elizabethan Narratives: Euphues in Arcadia 伊丽莎白时代晚期叙事中的作者小说
海外直订Shakespeare, Computers, and the Mystery of Authorship 莎士比亚,计算机和作者之谜
海外直订A.S.Byatt: Art, Authorship, Creativity: Art, Authorship and Creativity 拜厄特:艺术、创作、创造力:艺术、创作和创
海外直订The Authorship, Authentication and Falsification of Artworks 艺术作品的作者、鉴定与伪造
海外直订Examining Text and Authorship in Translation: What Remains of Christa Wolf? 翻译中的文本与作者:克里斯塔·沃
海外直订Shakespeare's Literary Authorship 莎士比亚的文学作者
海外直订Readers and Authorship in Early Modern England 近代早期英国的读者与作者
海外直订Attributing Authorship: An Introduction 作者归属:导论
海外直订Family Authorship and Romantic Print Culture 家族创作与浪漫版画文化
海外直订Shakespeare and the Idea of Late Writing: Authorship in the Proximity of Death 莎士比亚与晚期写作思想:死亡
海外直订American Authorship and Autobiographical Narrative: Mailer, Wideman, Eggers 美国作者与自传体叙事:梅勒,怀德
海外直订Authorship and the Films of David Lynch 作者和大卫·林奇的电影
海外直订Nothing Truer Than Truth: Fact Versus Fiction in the Shakespeare Authorship Deba 没有什么比事实更真实:莎士
海外直订Performing Authorship in the Nineteenth-Century ... 在十九世纪跨大西洋巡回演讲中担任作者
海外直订Reappearing Characters in Nineteenth-Century French Literature: Authorship, Orig 再现19世纪法国文学中的人物
海外直订The Idea of Authorship in Copyright 论版权中的作者意识
海外直订Writing, Authorship and Photography in British Literary Culture, 1880 - 1920: Ca 英国文学文化中的写作、作者
海外直订Scientific Authorship: Credit and Intellectual Property in Science 科学作者:科学中的信用与知识产权
海外直订Incorporation, Authorship, and Anglo-American Literature (1815-1918) 合并、作者和英美文学(1815-1918)
海外直订Female authorship in the 17th century England at the example of Margaret Cavendi Female aut
海外直订Greek Literature in the Archaic Period: The Emergence of Authorship: Greek Liter 古希腊文学:作者身份的出现
海外直订Idea of Authorship in Copyright 版权中的作者意识
海外直订Modernist Authorship and Transatlantic Periodical Culture: 1895-1925 现代主义作家和跨大西洋期刊文化:1895-19
海外直订The Victorian Diary: Authorship and Emotional Labour 维多利亚日记:作者与情感劳动
海外直订Negotiating Copyright: Authorship and the Discourse of Literary Property Rights 版权谈判:作者身份与十九世
海外直订Performing Authorship in the Nineteenth-Century Transatlantic Lecture Tour 十九世纪跨大西洋演讲巡回演出的作
海外直订J.G. Ballard's Surrealist Imagination: Spectacular Authorship J.G.巴拉德的超现实主义想象:壮观的作者
海外直订Author Fictions: Narrative Representations of Literary Authorship Since 1800 作者小说:1800年以来文学创作的
海外直订Chances and Challenges of Computer Assisted Authorship Attribution 计算机辅助作者归因的机遇与挑战
海外直订Analysing for Authorship 作者分析
海外直订Shakespeare's Authorship Question. a Short Input to a Long Discussion 莎士比亚的作者问题。长时间讨论的简短内容
海外直订Aspects of Authorship 作者身份方面
海外直订Das Ende der Anonymit?t? Authorship Analysis im digitalen Zeitalter 匿名生活的终结数字时代的真实度分析
海外直订Authorship as Promotional Discourse in the Screen Industries: Selling Genius 作者身份作为电影行业的宣传话语
海外直订The Role of Authorship during the Shift towards a New Hollywood 在向新好莱坞转变过程中作者的角色
海外直订The Idea of Progress in Forensic Authorship Analysis 法医学作者身份分析的发展思路
海外直订The Rise of Corporate Publishing and Its Effects on Authorship in Early Twentiet 20世纪初美国企业出版的兴起
海外直订Creating Contexts for Learning and Self-Authorship: Constructive-Developmental P 为学习和自我创作创造情境:
海外直订Authorship and Copyright 作者身份及版权
海外直订Idolizing Authorship 崇拜偶像的身份
海外直订The Figures of Edgar Allan Poe: Authorship, Antebellum Literature, and Transatla 埃德加·爱伦·坡的人物:作者
海外直订The Films of Martin Scorsese, 1963-77: Authorship and Context 马丁·斯科塞斯电影,1963-77:作者和背景
海外直订Licensing, Censorship and Authorship in Early Modern England: Buggeswords 早期现代英国的许可、审查和作者:布格斯
海外直订The Screenplay: Authorship, Theory and Criticism 剧本:作者、理论与批评
海外直订The Names of Minimalism: Authorship, Art Music, and Historiography in Dispute
海外直订Theories of Authorship 作者理论
海外直订Performing Authorship: Self-Inscription and Corporeality in the Cinema 表演作者:电影中的自我铭文与形体
海外直订Authorship and Film 作者及影片
海外直订The Names of Minimalism: Authorship, Art Music, and Historiography in Dispute 极简主义的名称:争议中的作者、
海外直订An Inquiry Into the Authorship of the Middleton-Rowley Plays 米德尔顿-罗利戏剧作者探究
海外直订The Global Auteur: The Politics of Authorship in 21st Century Cinema 全球导演:21世纪电影中的作者政治
海外直订Studies on Authorship in Historical Keyboard Mus... 历史键盘音乐作者身份研究
海外直订The Talent Management of Indie Authorship: From American Independent Cinema and 独立创作的人才管理:从美国
海外直订The Films of Martin Scorsese, 1978-99: Authorship and Context II 马丁·斯科塞斯的电影,1978-1999:作者与背景II
海外直订Performing Authorship 表现作者
海外直订Women's Transborder Cinema: Authorship, Stardom, and Filmic Labor in South Asia 女性跨界电影:南亚的作者身
海外直订Death and (Re) Birth of J.S. Bach: Reconsidering Musical Authorship and the Work 巴赫的死亡与(再)生:对音乐
海外直订Polly Platt: Hollywood Production Design and Creative Authorship 波莉·普拉特:好莱坞制作设计和创意作者
海外直订Making Television: Authorship and the Production Process 制作电视:作者和制作过程
海外直订My Shakespeare: The Authorship Controversy: Experts Examine the Arguments for Ba 我的莎士比亚:作者争议:专
海外直订Henry Jamesa (Tm)S New York Edition: The Construction of Authorship 亨利·杰姆斯纽约版:作者身份的建构
海外直订The Case for Shakespeare's Authorship of the Famous Victories 莎士比亚创作《胜利》的案例
海外直订The Romantic Scottish Ballads: Their Epoch and Authorship 苏格兰浪漫民谣的时代与创作
海外直订The Authorship of the Kingis Quair: A New Criticism 《国王的资格》的作者:一种新的批评
海外直订Digital Prohibition: Piracy and Authorship in New Media Art Digital Prohibition: Piracy and
海外直订Performing Manuscript Culture: Poetry, Materiality, and Authorship in Thomas Hoc 表演手稿文化:托马斯·霍克
Fashioning Authorship in the Long Eighteenth Century: Stylish Books of Poetic Ge 18世纪长篇小说创作:诗性天【中商原【中?
海外直订Testimony of the Sonnets as to the Authorship of the Shakespearean Plays and Poe 十四行诗对莎士比亚戏剧和诗
海外直订Family Authorship and Romantic Print Culture 家庭创作与浪漫印刷文化
海外直订John Lyly and Early Modern Authorship 约翰·利和早期现代作家
海外直订Authority and Authorship in Medieval and Seventeenth Century Women's Visionary W 中世纪和十七世纪女性幻想写
海外直订The Preface: American Authorship in the Twentieth Century 序言:二十世纪的美国作家
海外直订Authority and Authorship in V.S. Naipaul V.S.奈保尔的权威与作者身份
海外直订Literary Friends and Acquaintance, a Personal Retrospect of American Authorship 文学朋友与熟人,美国作家的
海外直订Rough Writing: Ethnic Authorship in Theodore Rooseveltas America 粗糙的写作:西奥多·罗斯福时代美国的民族作者
海外直订Women, Authorship and Literary Culture, 1690-1740 女性,作者和文学文化,1690-1740
海外直订Authorship in Context: From the Theoretical to the Material 语境中的作者身份:从理论到材料
海外直订Early Modern Authorship and Prose Continuations: Adaptation and Ownership from S 早期现代作家身份与散文延续
海外直订Miscellanies, Poetry, and Authorship, 1680-1800 杂记,诗歌和作者,1680-1800
海外直订Trials of Authorship: Anterior Forms and Poetic Reconstruction from Wyatt to Sha 作者身份的考验:从怀亚特到