探索历史大数据:历史学家的宏观视角:the historians macroscope
预订The Historians of Ancient Rome:An Anthology of the Major Writings
预订What If?:Military Historians Imagine What Might Have Been
海外直订The Negro Leagues Were Major Leagues: Historians Reappraise Black Baseball 黑人联盟是大联盟:历史学家重新评
预订Sharing Your Family History Online:A Guide for Family Historians
预订The Essential Greek Historians
预订Tracing Your Labour Movement Ancestors: A Guide for Family Historians
海外直订The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Historians 《剑桥罗马历史学家指南
预售 按需印刷The Historians of Scotland 德语ger
预订Cemeteries and Graveyards:A Guide for Local and Family Historians in England and Wales
海外直订From Ranke to Toynbee: Five Lectures on Historians and Historiographical Problem 从兰克到汤因比:关于历史学
海外直订Librarians, Historians, and New Opportunities for Discourse: A Guide for Clio's 图书馆员、历史学家和新的话
预订Tracing Your Great War Ancestors: The Egypt and Palestine Campaigns: A Guide for Family Historians
海外直订Genealogical Standards of Evidence: A Guide for Family Historians (16pt Large Pr 家谱证据标准:家族史学家指
【4周达】英国与美国的历史、历史学家与保守主义:从大战到撒切尔与里根 History, Historians, and Conserva... [9780199208111]
海外直订Sharing Your Family History Online: A Guide for Family Historians 在线分享你的家族史:家庭历史学家指南
【4周达】Historians and the Law in Postrevolutionary France [9780691639970]
海外直订Family History and Historians in Australia and N... 澳大利亚和新西兰的家族史和历史学家
【4周达】The New Urban History: Quantitative Explorations by American Historians [9780691645292]
【4周达】History, the White House and the Kremlin: Statesmen as Historians [9781474290876]
【4周达】Great Historians from Antiquity to 1800: An International Dictionary [9780313245176]
【4周达】Studies in Contemporary Jewry: X: Reshaping the Past: Jewish History and the Historians - St... [9780195093551]
【4周达】The Historians of Ancient Rome : An Anthology of the Major Writings [9780415527163]
【4周达】历史学家 The Historians [9781784109141]
海外直订Tracing Your Family History on the Internet: A Guide for Family Historians 在互联网上追踪你的家族史:家庭历
【4周达】Making History Count: A Primer in Quantitative Methods for Historians [9780521001373]
【4周达】Image to Interpretation: An Intelligent System to Aid Historians in Reading the Vindolanda T... [9780199204557]
【4周达】New Historians of the Twelfth-Century Renais - Authorising History in the Vernacular Revolut... [9780851157603]
【4周达】American Intellectual Histories and Historians [9780691621210]
【4周达】Assessing Site Significance: A Guide for Archaeologists and Historians, Second Edition [9780759111271]
【4周达】Telling Histories: Black Women Historians in the Ivory Tower [9780807858813]
【4周达】Studies in the Greek Historians: in Memory of Adam Parry - Studies in the Greek Historians [9780521124690]
【4周达】History and the Historians of Medieval Spain [9780198219453]
【4周达】I Wish I'd Been There: Twenty Historians Bring to Life the Dramatic Events That Changed America [9781400096541]
【4周达】Family History and Historians in Australia and New Zealand: Related Histories [9781032023298]
【4周达】On Historians: Reappraisals of Some of the Masters of Modern History [9780674634275]
【4周达】Native Historians Write Back: Decolonizing American Indian History [9780896726994]
【4周达】The New Urban History: Quantitative Explorations by American Historians [9780691618289]
预订 Becoming Historians [9780226036588]
【4周达】What If?: Military Historians Imagine What Might Have Been [9780330487245]
【4周达】Internet Sites for Local Historians: a directory [9780948140051]
【4周达】French Historians 1900-2000 - New Historical Writing In Twentieth-Century France [Wiley历史] [9781405198677]
【4周达】The Negro Leagues Were Major Leagues : Historians Reappraise Black Baseball [9781476665146]
【4周达】The Art of History : A Study of Four Great Historians of the Eighteenth Century [9781138124813]
预订 French Historians in the Nineteenth Century : Providence and History [9781527534094]
【4周达】The Blackwell Dictionary Of Historians [Wiley历史] [9780631147084]
【4周达】Civil War Films for Teachers and Historians [9780761839149]
【4周达】Using Computers in History: A Practical Guide for Historians [9781403934154]
【4周达】Historians on Leadership and Strategy : Case Studies From Antiquity to Modernity [9783030260897]
【4周达】I Wish I'd Been There: Twenty Great Moments in History by Twenty Great Historians [9781447278030]
【4周达】Writing Biography: Historians and Their Craft [9780803210660]
【4周达】American Women Historians, 1700s-1990s: A Biographical Dictionary [9780313296642]
预订 Herodotus: Historians on Historians [9781853996054]
【4周达】Common Reading: Critics, Historians, Publics [9780199569793]
【4周达】Gems and Gemmology: An Introduction for Archaeologists, Art-Historians and Conservators [9783030354480]
【4周达】The Greek and Roman Historians [9781853996016]
海外直订Greek Historians 希腊历史学家
海外直订Latin Historians 拉丁历史学家
海外直订Teaching U.S. History: Dialogues Among Social Studies Teachers and Historians 美国历史教学:社会研究教师和历
海外直订Palaeography for Family and Local Historians 为家庭和地方历史学家编纂的古学
海外直订Tracing Your Yorkshire Ancestors: A Guide for Family Historians 追踪你的约克郡祖先:家庭历史学家指南
【4周达】Collected Works of John Stuart Mill: XX. Essays on French History and Historians [9780415756976]
【4周达】Teach Yourself Palaeography: A Guide for Genealogists and Local Historians [9780750998772]
预订 Postmodernism for Historians [9780582506046]
【4周达】Latin Historians: - Latin Historians [9780199222933]
预售 按需印刷 TF Postmodernism for Historians
【4周达】46th Directory of History Departments, Historical Organizations, and Historians: 2020-21 [9780872292123]
海外直订Modern Historians on British History 1485-1945 (Routledge Revivals): A Critical 现代历史学家对英国历史1485
【4周达】The Historian's Conscience: Australian Historians on the Ethics of History [9780522851397]
海外直订Scottish Ancestry: Research Methods for Family Historians, Rev. 2nd Ed. 苏格兰血统:家庭历史学家的研究方法
【4周达】History and Historians: A Historiographical Introduction [9780205687534]
【4周达】Greek Historians: - Greek Historians [9780199225019]
【4周达】45th Directory of History Departments, Historical Organizations, and Historians: 2019-20 [9780872290990]
【4周达】44th Directory of History Departments, Historical Organizations, and Historians: 2018-19 [9780872291362]
【4周达】Latin: For Local and Family Historians [9781860773853]
海外直订Tracing Your Poor Ancestors: A Guide for Family Historians 追踪你贫穷的祖先:家庭历史学家指南
海外直订Tracing History Through Title Deeds: A Guide for Family and Local Historians 通过地契追溯历史:家庭和地方历
【4周达】Modern Historians on British History 1485-1945 (Routledge Revivals) : A Critical Bibliograph... [9780415576673]
【4周达】Young Historians Club: Black American History [9781454955740]
【4周达】1066: A Big Story for Little Historians [9781913565398]
海外直订London's East End: A Guide for Family and Local Historians 《伦敦东区:家庭和地方历史学家指南》
预订 1066: A Big Story for Little Historians [9781913565121]
【4周达】A 'Manly Study'? : Irish Women Historians 1868-1949 [9780230009042]
海外直订The Great Events by Famous Historians; Volume 10 著名历史学家的大事件;10卷
【4周达】The Greek Historians [9780415105927]
英文原版 The Portable Greek Historians Portable Library 企鹅便携图书馆 希腊历史学家 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【4周达】What Might Have Been?: Leading Historians on Twelve 'What Ifs' of History [9780753818732]
按需印刷The Origins of the German Principalities, 1100-1350:Essays by German Historians[9781472448422]
【4周达】Exploring Lincoln: Great Historians Reappraise Our Greatest President [9780823265626]
预订 Peasants and historians : Debating the medieval English peasantry [9780719053788]
预订Peasants and Historians:Debating the Medieval English Peasantry
按需印刷The Historians of Greece and Rome[9780862921521]
预售 按需印刷The Great Events By Famous Historians V2
预订 Becoming Historians [9780226036564]
【4周达】I Want To Be A Museum Curator: For Aspiring Young Historians [9789811732034]
【4周达】Roman Archaeology for Historians [9780415505918]
按需印刷Writing Southern Italy Before the Renaissance:Trecento Historians of the Mezzogiorno[9781138702516]