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海外直订Immersive Theatre and Audience Experience: Space, Game and Story in the Work of 沉浸式戏剧和观众体验:朋克作品
海外直订Beyond Immersive Theatre: Aesthetics, Politics and Productive Participation 超越沉浸式戏剧:美学、政治和生产性参
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Immersive Theatre: Engaging the Audience 沉浸式戏剧:吸引观众【中商原版】
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海外直订Immersive Systemic Knowing: Advancing Systems Thinking Beyond Rational Analysis 沉浸式系统认知:超越理性分析
海外直订Immersive Learning Research Network: 4th International Conference, Ilrn 2018, Mi 沉浸式学习研究:第四届
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预订How It Was:the immersive, compelling new novel from the author of The Butcher's Hook
海外直订Immersive Analytics 沉浸式分析
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海外直订Virtual Reality with Vrtk4: Create Immersive VR Experiences Leveraging Unity3d a Vrtk4虚拟现实:
海外直订Color My Own Dragon Story: An Immersive, Customizable Coloring Book for Kids (Th 给我自己的龙的故事上色:一
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海外直订The Immersive Worlds Handbook: Designing Theme Parks and Consumer Spaces 沉浸式世界手册:设计主题公园和消费
海外直订Teaching Literature in Virtual Worlds: Immersive Learning in English Studies 虚拟世界中的文学教学:英语学习