书籍正版 高能并行运行时系统:设计与实现:design and implementatio 迈克尔·克莱姆 机械工业出版社 计算机与网络 9787111739494
正版能分析应用指南:从业人员培训指导手册:a practitioner' s guide to implementatio詹姆斯·乔克书店自然科学书籍 畅想畅销书
海外直订The Seal of Biliteracy: Case Studies and Considerations for Policy Implementatio 双语的印章:案例研究和政策
海外直订Variable Domain-Specific Software Languages with Djdsl: Design and Implementatio 使用Djdsl的可变领域特定软
海外直订Immersion at University Level: Rethinking Policies, Approaches and Implementatio 大学沉浸:重新思考政策、方
海外直订Inquiry in Education, Volume II: Overcoming Barriers to Successful Implementatio 教育研究,第二卷:克服成功
海外直订Understanding the Manufacturing Process: Key to Successful Cad/CAM Implementatio 了解制造过程:成功实施CAD/
【4周达】The Strategy Implementation Gap: A Guide for Executives to Successful Strategy Implementatio... [9780648895015]
【4周达】Towards a Spin-Ensemble Quantum Memory for Superconducting Qubits : Design and Implementatio... [9783319215716]
海外直订Perspectives on Higher Education: Curriculum Planning, Design, and Implementatio 高等教育观:课程规划、设计
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【4周达】Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act : Purpose, Critique, Implementatio... [9789814590037]
海外直订Recent Trends in the Condition Monitoring of Transformers: Theory, Implementatio 变压器状态监测的最新趋势:
海外直订Loyalty Cards in the Apparel Industry in Germany and Spain: Is the Implementatio 德国和西班牙服装行业的忠诚
海外直订Phase-Locked Loops for Wireless Communications: Digital and Analog Implementatio 无线通讯的锁相环:数字和模拟实
海外直订Carbon Capture and Storage: Technologies, Policies, Economics, and Implementatio 碳捕集与封存:技术、政策、
海外直订Microsoft Exchange Server 2007: Tony Redmond's Guide to Successful Implementatio Microsoft
海外直订Sliding Mode Control of Switching Power Converters: Techniques and Implementatio 开关电源变换器的滑模控制:
【4周达】Advanced Multifunctional Lightweight Aerostructure s; Design, Development, and Implementatio... [9781119756712]
【4周达】New Media Pedagogy: Research Trends, Methodological Challenges, and Successful Implementatio... [9783031632341]
【4周达】Towards a Spin-Ensemble Quantum Memory for Superconducting Qubits : Design and Implementatio... [9783319370705]
【4周达】Environmental Valuation with Discrete Choice Experiments : Guidance on Design, Implementatio... [9783030626686]
海外直订Design for Manufacturing and Assembly: Concepts, Architectures and Implementatio 制造和装配设计:概念、架构
海外直订Multilingual Education under Scrutiny; A Critical Analysis on CLIL Implementatio 多语言教育受到关注;全球范围内
海外直订Airborne Circularly Polarized SAR: Theory, System Design, Hardware Implementatio 机载圆偏振SAR:理论、系统设
【4周达】Field-Programmable Gate Arrays: Reconfigurable Logic For Rapid Prototyping And Implementatio... [9780471556657]
海外直订Building Teacher Quality in India: Examining Policy Frameworks and Implementatio 印度教师素质建设:研究政策框架
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