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【4周达】Somnus III: L'arte dell'ipnosi bioelettrica [9786208595647]
【4周达】American Progress : Nerdkultur, akrobatische Komik und Commedia dell'arte [9783658091347]
【4周达】Performance and Literature in the Commedia Dell'arte [9780521643245]
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按需印刷 TF The Dramaturgy of Commedia dell Arte
【4周达】Commedia dell'Arte, its Structure and Tradition: Antonio Fava in Conversation with John Rudlin [9780367648572]
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【4周达】Shakespeare and Commedia dell'Arte: Play by Play [9781138651173]
【4周达】Commedia Dell'Arte: An Actor's Handbook [9781138127265]
【4周达】Shakespeare and Commedia dell'Arte: Play by Play [9781138651180]
【4周达】Commedia Dell'arte: An Actor's Handbook [9780415047708]
【4周达】Performing Commedia dell'Arte, 1570-1630 [9781032088501]
【4周达】Music and Women of the Commedia Dell'arte in the Late Sixteenth Century [9780198166894]
【4周达】Commedia Dell'Arte [9780415204095]
【4周达】The Commedia Dell'arte in Naples: A Bilingual Edition of the 176 Casamarciano Scenarios [9780810841161]
【4周达】Commedia dell'Arte, its Structure and Tradition : Antonio Fava in Conversation with John Rudlin [9780367648565]
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【4周达】Commedia dell'Arte in Context [9781108994088]
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【4周达】20 Commedia dell'Arte Scenarios From the 1570s: Translated and Updated with Easily-Staged Sc... [9798986488424]
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预订 The Dramaturgy of Commedia dell'Arte [9780367608842]
【4周达】Performing Commedia Dell'arte, 1570-1630 [9780367085650]
【4周达】Commedia Dell'Arte : A Handbook for Troupes [9780415204088]
【4周达】The Metamorphoses of Commedia dell'Arte : Whatever Happened to Harlequin? [9783031105104]
按需印刷TF Commedia dell Arte Scenarios[9780367608361]
预订【德语】Akira Yoshizawa: L'arte dell'origami:
按需印刷Four Commedia Dell'Arte Plays with Stage Direction[9781447452409]
预订The commedia dell'arte:a study in Italian popular comedy
预售 按需印刷 Commedia dell Arte Scenarios
【4周达】Befriending the Commedia dell'Arte of Flaminio Scala : The Comic Scenarios [9781442648999]
【4周达】Commedia dell' Arte and the Mediterranean : Charting Journeys and Mapping 'Others' [9780367879969]
【4周达】Commedia dell' Arte and the Mediterranean : Charting Journeys and Mapping 'Others' [9781472418142]
【4周达】Jacqueline Burckhardt: My Commedia Dell' Arte [9783907236710]
【4周达】The Commedia Dell'arte [9781350144194]
【预售】Commedia dell’Arte – Collector’s Book
Commedia Dell'arte Couture Edition
【预售】Commedia Dell'arte: A Guide to the Primary and
【预售】Music and Women of the Commedia Dell'arte in the
【预订】Commedia Dell'arte in Context
【4周达】The Metamorphoses of Commedia dell'Arte : Whatever Happened to Harlequin? [9783031105135]
【预售】The Commedia dell'Arte of Flaminio Scala: A
[预订]Performing Commedia Dell’arte, 1570-1630 9781032088501
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预订 Jacovittissimevolmente : l’incontenibile arte dell’umorismo: 9788897985709
预订 Commedia dell’Arte, its Structure and Tradition: Antonio Fava in Conversation with John Rudlin 艺术喜剧、其结构与
预订 Commedia Dell’Arte: An Actor’s Handbook 即兴喜剧:演员手册: 9781138127265
【预订】Commedia dell’Arte Scenarios 9780367608361
预订 L’alba dell’arte : dal Paleolitico alla caduta dell’Impero romano: 9788809916227
[预订]The Commedia Dell’arte 9781350144187
预订 Shakespeare and Commedia dell’Arte: Play by Play 莎士比亚与即兴喜剧:戏剧游戏: 9781138651173
【4周达】The Commedia Dell'arte [9781350144187]
预订 La commedia dell’arte: 9788855100113
【预售】Commedia Dell 'Arte: A Handbook for Troupes
预订 Shakespeare and Commedia dell’Arte: Play by Play 莎士比亚与即兴喜剧:戏剧游戏: 9781138651180
[预订]Commedia dell’Arte Scenarios 9780367608385
预订 Commedia dell’Arte, its Structure and Tradition: Antonio Fava in Conversation with John Rudlin 戴尔艺术社的结构与
预订 The Dramaturgy of Commedia dell’Arte 艺术喜剧的戏剧性(意大利语): 9780367608859
预订 Il mito dei Preraffaelliti : sogno e realtà nell’arte dell’età vittoriana: 9791222711874
预订 Solo con l’Ottocento l’autonomia dell’arte : Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti e la cultura artistico-architettonica dal
预订 L’amore per l’antico : archeologo storico dell’arte e ho detto tutto: 9788892802209
【4周达】Parlare Dell'arte Nel Trecento: Kunstgeschichten Und Kunstgespräch Im 14. Jahrhundert in It... [9783422980518]
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预订 Commedia Dell’ Arte and the Mediterranean: Charting Journeys and Mapping ’Others’: 9780367879969
预订 Storia dell’arte in tempo reale : anticipazioni e ricerche in corso, affacci sull’attualità, scoperte, nuove let
预订 The Metamorphoses of Commedia dell’Arte: Whatever Happened to Harlequin? 艺术喜剧的变形记:滑稽角色怎么样了?: 9783
预订 The Dramaturgy of Commedia dell’Arte 艺术喜剧的戏剧性(意大利语): 9780367608842
[预订]The Commedia dell’Arte 9781350144194
【4周达】Sonnets of the Commedia dell'Arte [9781931468411]
预订 Jacqueline Burckhardt: My Commedia Dell’arte 杰奎琳·布克哈特 (Jacqueline Burckhardt):我的即兴喜剧: 9783907236710
预订 S’agli occhi credi : le Marche dell’arte nello sguardo dei poeti : antologia: 9788897374640
海外直订Commedia Dell'Arte: A Handbook for Troupes 为军队准备的手册
海外直订Commedia dell' Arte and the Mediterranean: Charting Journeys and Mapping 'Others 《艺术与地中海:绘制旅行图
海外直订Commedia dell' Arte and the Mediterranean: Charting Journeys and Mapping 'Others “阿尔特和地中海:绘制旅程
海外直订The Dramaturgy of Commedia Dell'arte 艺术喜剧的戏剧学
海外直订Shakespeare and Commedia dell'Arte 莎士比亚与艺术喜剧
海外直订The Metamorphoses of Commedia Dell'arte: Whatever Happened to Harlequin? 即兴喜剧的蜕变:小丑到底发生了什么?
海外直订Music and Women of the Commedia Dell'arte in the Late Sixteenth Century 十六世纪末喜剧《戴尔阿尔特》中的音
海外直订Commedia Dell'Arte: An Actor's Handbook 《喜剧艺术:演员手册
海外直订The Commedia Dell'arte of Flaminio Scala: A Translation and Analysis of 30 Scena 斯卡拉Flamini
海外直订Commedia Dell'arte Scenarios 戴尔阿尔特情景喜剧
海外直订The Routledge Companion to Commedia Dell'arte 艺术喜剧的劳特利奇伴侣
海外直订Performing Commedia dell'Arte, 1570-1630 表演喜剧(1570-1630年