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【单期可选】Operations Research Vol.68.3 运筹学理论应用研究 2020年5.6月刊
运筹学基础 第10版 全球版 中文版 塔哈 中国人民大学出版社 Operations Research an Introduction/Hamdy A.Taha运筹学导论教程
预订 Proceedings of Fors40 Finnish Operations Research Society 40 Th Anniversary Workshop: Decision-Making and Optimizat
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海外直订Does This Line Ever Move?: Everyday Applications of Operations Research 这条线动过吗?:运筹学的日常应用
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预订 Operations Research and Systems Engineering: Growth and Transformation Commentaries on the Profession 运筹学与系统
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现货 无人系统运筹学 Operations Research for Unmanned Systems 英文原版 Jeffrey Cares【中商原版】Wiley
【4周达】Operations Research and Systems Engineering: Growth and Transformation Commentaries on the P... [9781032307817]
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【预售】Operations Research: Formeln Und Methoden
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预售 按需印刷Studyguide for Introduction to Operations Research by Hillier Frederick S. ISBN 9780077298340
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【4周达】Operations Research: Formeln Und Methoden [9783519004219]
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