按需印刷Handel's Oratorio, Belshazzar (1873)[9781104863951]
按需印刷The Art of Handel's Operas[9780773408289]
预订 音乐Listening to Handel:An Owner's Manual
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预订 音乐A Poetics of Handel's Operas
【预售】Handel's Muse: Patterns of Creation in His Oratorios
【预售】Handel's Messiah: A Celebration: A Celebration
【预售】Continuo Realization in Handel's Vocal Music
【预售】Handel's Messiah: Complete Vocal and Orchestra
【预售】Handel's Path to Covent Garden
【预售】The Art of Handel's Operas
【预订】The Politics of Opera in Handel’s Br...
Handel's Sarabande五线谱简谱钢琴教学课程 悠秀
【预订】Handel’s Messiah for the Beginning Pianist: With Downloadable Mp3s
海外直订The Politics of Opera in Handel's Britain 韩德尔笔下的英国歌剧政治
现货 The Making of Handel's Messiah 进口艺术 制作亨德尔的《弥赛亚》【中商原版】
海外直订The Art of Handel's Operas 亨德尔歌剧的艺术
海外直订The Politics of Opera in Handel's Britain 亨德尔笔下英国的歌剧政治
海外直订The Master of the Musicians. a Story of Handel's Days, Etc. 音乐大师。韩德尔时代的故事等。
海外直订The Rival Sirens: Performance and Identity on Handel's Operatic Stage 竞争的塞壬:韩德尔歌剧舞台上的表演与认
海外直订Handel's Operas, 1726-1741 亨德尔歌剧(1726-1741
海外直订Handel's Operas, 1704-1726 亨德尔的歌剧(1704-1726年
海外直订Handel's Most Beautiful Melodies for Flute and Guitar 韩德尔最优美的长笛和吉他旋律
预订 Handel’s Most Beautiful Melodies for Flute and Guitar: 9781985371644
预订 Easy Classical Guitar & Ukulele Duets: Featuring Music of Beethoven, Bach, Wagner, Handel and Other Composers. in S
预订 Music, Books and Theatre in Eighteenth-Century Exton: A Context for Handel’s ‘Comus’ 18世纪埃克斯顿的音乐、书籍
预订 Every Valley: The Desperate Lives and Troubled Times That Made Handel’s Messiah: 9798217014354
【4周达】Handel's Messiah: A Celebration: A Celebration [9780156001380]
【4周达】A Poetics of Handel's Operas [9780197651346]
【4周达】Handel's Muse: Patterns of Creation in His Oratorios and Musical Dramas, 1743-1751 [9780198163961]
【4周达】The Art of Handel's Operas [9780773408289]
【4周达】The Rival Sirens: Performance and Identity on Handel's Operatic Stage [9781108829243]
【4周达】Music, Books and Theatre in Eighteenth-Century Exton: A Context for Handel's 'Comus' [9781032627816]
【4周达】Rival Sirens: Performance and Identity on Handel's Operatic Stage - The Rival Sirens: Perfor... [9781107033375]
【4周达】The Politics of Opera in Handel's Britain [9781107009882]
【4周达】The Politics of Opera in Handel's Britain [9781316620229]
【4周达】Listening to Handel: An Owner's Manual [With CD (Audio)] [9781574674873]
【4周达】Dance in Handel's London Operas [9781580464208]
【4周达】Handel's Operas, 1726-1741 [9781843832683]
【4周达】Handel's Operas, 1704-1726 [9781843835257]
【4周达】New Perspectives on Handel`s Music - Essays in Honour of Donald Burrows [9781783271467]
【4周达】Handel's Operas [2 Volume Set]: Volume I: 1704-1726; Volume II: 1726-1741 [9781843835264]
【4周达】Making of Handel's Messiah, The [9781851245062]
【4周达】Handel's Path to Covent Garden [9789899684430]
【4周达】Handel's Messiah: The Creative Process [9789815129045]