英文原版 Ways of Curating 策展的方式 企鹅设计系列 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
书籍正版 青策充电站:策展与艺术哲学工作坊:实录:curating and philosophy 者_孙向晨龚彦责_殷 上海三联书店 文化 9787542672766
青策充电站:策展与艺术哲学工作坊:实录:curating and philosophy of 者_孙向晨龚彦责_殷亚平普通大众艺术展览会策划研究文化书籍
【预订】Inside the Lost Museum: Curating, Pa...
【预订】On Curating 2 // paradigm shifts: In...
【预订】Ways of Curating
海外直订Curating Live Arts: Critical Perspectives, Essays, and Conversations on Theory a 策划现场艺术:批判性观点、
【预订】Curating Pop: Exhibiting Popular Music in the Museum
【预订】Curating the Digital
【预订】Curating Under Pressure
【预订】In the Meantime: Speculations on Art, Curating, and Exhibitions
预订Curating Under Pressure:International Perspectives on Negotiating Conflict and Upholding Integrity
【预订】Curating Opera
【预订】Curating After the Global: Roadmaps for the Present
[预订]Curating with Care
【预订】Curating Pop:Exhibiting Popular Music in the Museum
按需印刷Curating Live Arts:Critical Perspectives, Essays, and Conversations on Theory and Practice[9781789201345]
海外直订Curating Live Arts: Critical Perspectives, Essays, and Conversations on Theory a 策划现场艺术:批判性观点、论文
预订Ways of Curating
海外直订Curating Pop: Exhibiting Popular Music in the Museum 策划流行音乐:在博物馆展出流行音乐
Culture of Curating and the Curating of Culture(s) 策展文化与文化策展【中商原版】
按需印刷Curating Opera:Reinventing the Past Through Museums of Opera and Art[9780367467814]
按需印刷Curating Live Arts[9781785339639]
预订Curating the Great War
海外直订Contemporary Curating, Artistic Reference and Public Reception: Reconsidering In 当代策展、艺术参考与公众接
海外直订Curating Pop: Exhibiting Popular Music in the Museum 流行音乐策划:在博物馆展出流行音乐
海外直订Off-Site Art Curating 非现场艺术策划
海外直订Inside the Lost Museum: Curating, Past and Present 迷失博物馆:策展,过去与现在
海外直订Curating the Digital: Space for Art and Interaction 策划数字:艺术与互动空间
海外直订The Art of Curating: Paul J. Sachs and the Museum Course at Harvard 策展艺术:保罗·j·萨克斯和哈佛大学的博物
按需印刷TF Curating the Contemporary in the Art Museum[9781032010540]
[预订]Curating the Contemporary in the Art Museum
The Culture of Curating and the Curating of Culture(s) 英文原版策展文化与文化策展
[预订]Curating Italian Fashion: Heritage, Industry, Institutions 9781350230811
海外直订Curating Lively Objects: Exhibitions Beyond Disciplines 策划生动的物件:超越学科的展览
海外直订Curating Dramaturgies: How Dramaturgy and Curating Are Intersecting in the Conte 戏剧策划:戏剧与策展在当代
[预订]Curating Lively Objects 9780367148027
【4周达】Curating Consciousness: Mysticism and the Modern Museum [9780262518093]
预订 A Simpler Motherhood: Curating Contentment, Savoring Slow, and Making Room for What Matters Most (Tips for Moms, Si
[预订]Contemporary Curating, Artistic Reference and Public Reception 9780367536350
按需印刷TF Curating with Care
预订 Curatorial Challenges: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Contemporary Curating 策展挑战:当代策展的跨学科展望: 9780
【4周达】Curatorial Challenges : Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Contemporary Curating [9780815370062]
【4周达】Curating Pop: Exhibiting Popular Music in the Museum [9781501343575]
【4周达】Inside the Lost Museum: Curating, Past and Present [9780674971042]
预订 Curating Opera : Reinventing the Past Through Museums of Opera and Art [9780367467814]
【4周达】Curating Pop: Exhibiting Popular Music in the Museum [9781501343582]
【4周达】Curating America: Journeys Through Storyscapes of the American Past [9781469629506]
【4周达】Curating with Care [9781032069913]
【4周达】On Curating 2 // paradigm shifts: Interviews with Fourteen International Curators [9781938922909]
【4周达】Curating Your Life: Ending the Struggle for Work-Life Balance [9781538132876]
【4周达】Another Mother: Curating and Creating Voices of Adoption, Surrogacy and Egg Donation [9781032268408]
【4周达】The Art of Curating: Paul J. Sachs and the Museum Course at Harvard [9781606065693]
【4周达】Curating Human Remains - Caring for the Dead in the United Kingdom: Caring for the Dead in t... [9781843838067]
【4周达】Contemporary Curating and Museum Education [9783837630800]
【4周达】Simpler Motherhood: Curating Contentment, Savoring Slow, and Making Room for What Matters Mo... [9781642508086]
预订 Curating Live Arts: Critical Perspectives, Essays, and Conversations on Theory and Practice [9781789201345]
【4周达】In the Meantime: Speculations on Art, Curating, and Exhibitions [9783956794919]
【4周达】Curating Live Arts: Critical Perspectives, Essays, and Conversations on Theory and Practice [9781785339639]
【4周达】Jens Hoffmann : (Curating) from Z to A [9783037645093]
Harry Seidler: the Exhibition (Slipcase): Organizing Curating Designing and Producing a World Tour: O... [9781946226112]
海外直订How to Launch an Author Awards Program at Your Library: Curating Self-Published 如何在你的图书馆启动一个作家奖
【预售】Collecting, Curating, and Researching Writers Lib
海外直订The Curatorial: A Philosophy of Curating 馆长
Recycling Spaces: Curating Urban Evolution: The Landscape Design of Martha Schwartz Partners [9780500342787]
按需印刷Collecting, Curating, and Researching Writers' Libraries[9781442234970]
【4周达】Curating Contemporary Music Festivals – A New Perspective on Music's Mediation [9783837652437]
[预订]How to Launch an Author Awards Program at Your Library: Curating Self-Published Books, Reaching Out 9781440841644
【4周达】Curating Community Collections: A Holistic Approach to Diverse Collection Development [9781440880988]
预订 Curating Community Collections: A Holistic Approach to Diverse Collection Development 策划社区收藏: 9781440880988
预订 The Curatorial: A Philosophy of Curating [9781472525604]
【4周达】Experience Curating: How to Gain Focus, Increase Influence, and Simplify Your Life [9780991297313]
【4周达】New Approaches to the Archive in the Middle Ages: Collecting, Curating, Assembling [9781032019277]
【4周达】Curating Difficult Knowledge: Violent Pasts in Public Places [9780230296725]
预订 Curating the Enlightenment: Johann Daniel Major and the Experimental Century [9781009506830]
海外直订Curating the American Past 策展美国的过去
海外直订Curating Your Career: A Guide to Building Your Museum Career 策划你的事业:建立你的博物馆事业指南
预订 Curating Digital Lives: Consumer Cultures, Digital Platforms, and Everyday Practices 策展数字生活:消费文化、数字平
预订 Museum Practices and the Posthumanities: Curating for Earthly Habitability 博物馆实践与后人类:为地球宜居性而策划:
【4周达】Curating, Interpretation and Museums: When Attitude Becomes Form [9781032081458]
预订 Tiffany Favrile for Beginners: Selecting and Curating a Tiffany Favrile Glass Collection: 9781517547035
【4周达】Curating, Interpretation and Museums: When Attitude Becomes Form [9781032081410]
海外直订Curating the Future: Museums, Communities and Climate Change 策划未来:博物馆、社区和气候变化
[预订]Curating, Interpretation and Museums
预订 Organizational Heartbeats: Engaging Employees in Sustainability by Leveraging Purpose and Curating Culture 组织心跳
预订 Contemporary Exhibition-Making and Management: Curating IMT Gallery as a Hybrid Space: 9781032055282
预订 Curating the Future: Museums, Communities and Climate Change 策展未来:博物馆、社区与气候变化: 9781138658516
预订 US Coin Collecting Guide for Beginners: Identification, Valuation, Preservation and Curating your Coin Collection.:
【4周达】Inclusive Curating in Contemporary Art: A Practical Guide [9781802700053]
【4周达】Inclusive Curating in Contemporary Art: A Practical Guide [9781641892643]
【4周达】Curating the Future: Museums, Communities and Climate Change [9781138658523]
【4周达】Networking for Healers: Curating the Conversations, Connections, and Community That Manifest... [9781961493216]
预订 Space to Exhale: A Handbook for Curating a Soft, Centered, Serene Life 呼气空间:策划柔软、居中、宁静生活的手册: 97
预订 Curating the Future: Museums, Communities and Climate Change 策展未来:博物馆、社区与气候变化: 9781138658523
[预订]Curating Art 9781138907973