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正版探寻强国硬科技:专利奖项目深度解读:deep interpretation award-winning patents郭雯书店法律书籍 畅想畅销书
【现货】 探寻强国硬科技:专利奖获奖项目深度解读:deep interpretation award-winning patents 郭雯 9787513064453
正版全新探寻强国硬科技:专利奖获奖项目深度解读:deep interpretation award-winning patents9787513064453郭雯知识产权出版社
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探寻强国硬科技:专利奖获奖项目深度解读:deep interpretation award-winning patents郭雯主编97875130644532019-08-01
探寻强国硬科技:专利奖项目深度解读:deep interpretation award-winning patents郭雯 法律书籍
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【预售】Subject-Matter Index of Patents for Inventions
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【预订】Predicting the Impact of Patents
【预售】The Practical Einstein: Experiments, Patents, Inv
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【预订】Biotechnology, Patents and Morality
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【预售】American Bridge Patents: "The First Century
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【预订】Writing Chemistry Patents And Intellectual Property
【预订】Blackstone’s Guide to the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
【预订】Filing Patents Online
【预售】The Pirate's Guide to Patents, Tradema
【预售】Why Patents Don't Work: How a Broken Patent System
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海外直订Virginia Land Patents of the Counties of Norfolk, Princess Anne & Warwick. from 诺福克、安妮公主和沃里克郡
海外直订Patents and Deeds and Other Early Records of New Jersey 1664-1703. 1664-1703年新泽西州的专利、契约和其他早
海外直订Filing Patents Online 网上申请专利
【预订】Patents for Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, and Biotechnology
海外直订Patents: Prompting or Restricting Innovation? 专利:促进还是限制创新?
海外直订Patents and Deeds and Other Early Records of New Jersey 1664-1703 新泽西1664-1703年的专利、契约和其他早期记
【预订】Maintenance Time and the Industry Development of Patents
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海外直订Patents and How to Make Money Out of Them 专利以及如何从中赚钱
海外直订Immunoassay: A Survey of Patents, Patent Applications and Other Literature 1980- 免疫分析:1980-
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[预订]A User’s Guide to Patents 9781526508683
【预售】Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks, and C
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【预售】United States Utility Patents, 1836-1853
海外直订Valuation of Patents for Securitization: Factors and Method 专利资产证券化价值评估:因素与方法
海外直订医药图书Commercializing Nanomedicine: Industrial Applications, Patents, and Ethics 纳米医学商业化:工业应用
预订 Translating the Language of Patents 专利语言翻译: 9781032729145
海外直订Prince George County, Virginia Land Patents, 1666-1719 弗吉尼亚州乔治王子县土地专利(1666-1719年
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海外直订Cavaliers and Pioneers. Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1666 骑士和先驱者。弗吉尼亚州土
[预订]Chemical Patents and Allied Patent Problems 9781016244633
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【预售】Patents. Simplified.: Entrepreneur's G
海外直订Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1666 骑士和先驱者:弗吉尼亚州土
海外直订What Every Engineer Should Know about Patents 每个工程师都应该知道的专利知识
海外直订Patenting Lives: Life Patents, Culture and Development 生命专利:生命专利、文化与发展
预订 Patents for Development: Improved Patent Information Disclosure and Access for Incremental Innovation 用作发展的专
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【预售】Essentials Of Patents
预订 Intellectual Property: The Law of Copyrights, Patents and Trademarks Schechter和Thomas的知识产权:版权,专利和商标
海外直订Trade in Ideas: Performance and Behavioral Properties of Markets in Patents 观念交易:专利市场的绩效和行为特征
海外直订Filing Patents Online: A Professional Guide 在线申请专利:专业指南
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海外直订Patents and Cartographic Inventions: A New Perspective for Map History 专利与地图发明:地图历史的新视角
预订 International Public Health: Patients’ Rights vs. the Protection of Patents 国际公共卫生:患者权利与专利保护: 9780
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