【预售】Radiative Aspects in Coupled Nuclear Fusion-Fission
【预订】Black-body Radiative, Thermodynamic,...
【预售】Mathematical Problems of Radiative Equilibrium
【预订】Radiative Transfer in Participating Media 9783030990442
【预售】Atomic and Molecular Radiative Processes: With Applications to Modern Spectroscopy and the Greenhouse Effect
海外直订Light Scattering Reviews 5: Single Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer 光散射综述5:单光散射和辐射传输
【预订】Radiative Corrections for E+e- Colli...
【预订】Radiative Transfer in Curved Media
【预订】Radiative Heat Transfer in Turbulent...
海外直订Atmospheric Aerosols: Characteristics and Radiative Effects 大气气溶胶:特性和辐射效应
【预售】Black-Body Radiative, Thermodynamic,...
【预售】Modern Methods in Collisional-Radiative Modeling of Plasmas
海外直订Black-Body Radiative, Thermodynamic, and Chromatic Functions: Tables in Finite S 黑体辐射、热力学和色函数:
海外直订Numerical Methods in Multidimensional Radiative Transfer 多维辐射传输的数值方法
【预订】Radiative Transfer in Stellar and Planetary Atmospheres
【预售】Numerical Methods in Multidimensional Radiative
Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer of Planetary Atmospheres
海外直订Light Scattering Reviews 10: Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer 光散射综述10:光散射和辐射传输
海外直订Atomic and Molecular Radiative Processes: With Applications to Modern Spectrosco 原子和分子辐射过程:在现代
按需印刷图书Thermal Computations for Electronics:Conductive, Radiative, and Convective Air Cooling[9780367465315]
【预售】Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer across Nanometer Vacuum Gaps
海外直订Modern Methods in Collisional-Radiative Modeling of Plasmas 等离子体碰撞辐射模拟的现代方法
海外直订Light Scattering Reviews 5: Single Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer 光散射综述5:单次光散射和辐射传输
海外直订Springer Series in Light Scattering: Volume 2: Light Scattering, Radiative Trans
海外直订Atomic Spectroscopy and Radiative Processes 原子光谱与辐射过程
【预订】Thermal Radiative Properties of Uniaxial Anisotropic Materials and Their Manipulations
【预售】Non-LTE Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere
【预订】Radiative Heat Transfer in Two-Phase Media
[预订]Radiative Transfer 9783030952495
现货 耦合环境系统的辐射传输 Radiative Transfer In Coupled Environmental Systems Knut Stamnes 英文原版【中商原版】
海外直订Light Scattering Reviews, Volume 11: Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer 光散射评论,第11卷:光散射和辐
Radiative Processes In Astrophysics【中商原版】
海外直订Springer Series in Light Scattering: Volume 5: Radiative Transfer, Remote Sensin
海外直订Radiative Processes in High Energy Astrophysics 高能天体物理学中的辐射过程
【预订】Thermal Radiative Properties of Uniaxial Anisotropic Materials and Their Manipulations 9789811578250
[预订]Numerical Simulation of Convective-Radiative Heat Transfer 9783039431946
【预订】Radiative Transfer in Coupled Enviro...
【预订】Atomic Spectroscopy and Radiative Pr...
【预订】No. 3 Thermal Radiative Properties
海外直订Radiative Heat Transfer in Turbulent Combustion Systems: Theory and Applications 湍流燃烧系统中的辐射换热:
[预订]Springer Series in Light Scattering: Volume 9: Electromagnetic Theory of Scattering and Radiative Tr 9783031296000
海外直订Thermal Radiative Properties of Uniaxial Anisotropic Materials and Their Manipul 单轴各向异性材料的热辐射特
海外直订Multiple Scattering of Light by Particles: Radiative Transfer and Coherent Backs
[预订]Resonances in the Radiative Capture of Protons by Silicon-30 9781014150356
[预订]Computational Intelligence Applied to Inverse Problems in Radiative Transfer 9783031435430
海外直订Springer Series in Light Scattering: Volume 6: Radiative Transfer, Light Scatter
海外直订Springer Series in Light Scattering: Volume 6: Radiative Transfer, Light Scatter 施普林格系列光散射:第6卷:
[预订]Radiative Heat Transfer in Participating Media: With MATLAB Codes 9783030990473
[预订]Resonances in the Radiative Capture of Protons by Sulfer-34 9781014806079
海外直订Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer of Planetary Atmospheres 行星大气的光谱学和辐射转移
【4周达】Radiative Heat Transfer in Turbulent Combustion Systems : Theory and Applications [9783319272894]
海外直订Study of the Radiative Properties of Inhomogeneous Stratocumulus Clouds 非均匀层积云的辐射特性研究
海外直订A Study of Direct and Cloud-Mediated Radiative Forcing of Climate Due to Aerosol 气溶胶对气候的直接和云介导
正版包邮 英文原版 Radiative Transfer 辐射传输 Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 Dover
海外直订Theoretical and Numerical Investigation of Radiative Extinction of Diffusion Fla 扩散火焰辐射消光的理论与数
海外直订Reactions of Iodine Activated by Radiative Neutron Capture and Isomeric Transiti 辐射中子俘获活化碘与气态和
预订 Light Scattering Reviews 7: Radiative Transfer and Optical Properties of Atmosphere and Underlying Surface 光散射评
预订 Radiative Properties of Semiconductors
预订 Infrared Radiative Cooling and Its Applications
[预订]Radiative Transfer in Curved Media 9789810201845
海外直订Springer Series in Light Scattering: Volume 4: Light Scattering and Radiative Tr
海外直订Terrestrial Radiative Transfer: Modeling, Computation, and Data Analysis 地面辐射传输:建模、计算和数据分析
预订 Light Scattering Reviews 9: Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer 光散射评论 9: 9783662524312
预订 Solar Heating, Radiative Cooling and Thermal Movement: Their Effects on Built-up Roofing; NBS Technical Note 231
海外直订Light Scattering Reviews 7: Radiative Transfer and Optical Properties of Atmosph 光散射综述7:大气和下垫面
[预订]Radiative Properties of Semiconductors 9781643277998
预订 Seismic Wave Propagation Through Random Media: Monte Carlo Simulation Based on the Radiative Transfer Theory 地震波
海外直订Thermal Computations for Electronics: Conductive, Radiative, and Convective Air 电子学热计算:传导、辐射和
预订 Springer Series in Light Scattering: Volume 9: Electromagnetic Theory of Scattering and Radiative Transfer Springer
海外直订3D Radiative Transfer in Cloudy Atmospheres 多云大气中的三维辐射转移
预订 Light Scattering Reviews 10: Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer 光散射评论 第10卷:光散射与辐射传输: 978366246
海外直订An Introduction to Radiative Transfer: Methods and Applications in Astrophysics 辐射传输导论:天体物理学中
预订 Light Scattering Reviews 10: Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer 光散射综述 10:光散射与辐射传输: 9783662515716
预订 Light Scattering Reviews 8: Radiative transfer and light scattering 光散射评论 8: 9783642440304
【预售】Selected Papers, Volume 2: Radiative Transfer a
【预订】Terrestrial Radiative Transfer: Mode...
海外直订Light Scattering Reviews 8: Radiative Transfer and Light Scattering 光散射综述8:辐射传输和光散射
海外直订Radiative Corrections: Results and Perspectives 辐射校正:结果与展望
【预售】An Introduction to Radiative Transfer: Methods and
【预售】Radiative Processes in Discharge Plasmas
【预订】Heat Transfer 2 - Radiative Transfer 9781786305176
海外直订Springer Series in Light Scattering: Volume 3: Radiative Transfer and Light Scat 施普林格系列光散射:卷3:辐
海外直订Springer Series in Light Scattering: Volume 2: Light Scattering, Radiative Trans 光散射斯普林格系列:第2卷
[预订]Radiative Transfer
【预售】Radiative Recombination in Semiconducting Crystal
海外直订3D Radiative Transfer in Cloudy Atmospheres 多云大气中的三维辐射传输
海外直订Numerical Radiative Transfer 数值辐射传输
海外直订Multiple Scattering of Light by Particles: Radiative Transfer and Coherent Backs 粒子对光的多次散射:辐射传
海外直订Radiative Transfer: An Introduction to Exact and Asymptotic Methods 辐射传递:精确和渐近方法导论
现货 热辐射传递和特性 Thermal Radiative Transfer And Properties【中商原版】
【预售】Thermal Radiative Transfer And Properties
【预订】Radiative Decay Engineering
【预订】Atomic and Molecular Radiative Processes