海外直订Advances in Automated Valuation Modeling: Avm After the Non-Agency Mortgage Cris 自动估价模型的进展:非机构
海外直订Technical and Economic Valuation of Healthcare Building Upgrade 医疗建筑改造的技术经济评价
英文原版 学会估值,轻松投资:如何评估一家公司、选股并盈利 威利 The Little Book Of Valuation: How To Value A Company
海外直订医药图书The Measurement and Valuation of Health Status Using Eq-5d: A European Perspecti 使用Eq-5d测量和评
海外直订Accounting Information and Equity Valuation: Theory, Evidence, and Applications 会计信息与股权估值:理论、
海外直订Values and Valuation in the Practice of Educational Administration 教育管理实践中的价值与价值
海外直订Derivatives: Theory and Practice of Trading, Valuation, and Risk Management 衍生品:交易、估值和风险管理的理
海外直订Real Estate Investing: Market Analysis, Valuation Techniques, and Risk Managemen 房地产投资:市场分析、估值
海外直订Business Valuation: The Ultimate Guide to Business Valuation for Beginners, Incl 商业估值:初学者商业估值的
海外直订The Valuation of Intangible Assets: An Exploration of Patent and Trademark Portf 无形资产评估:专利和商标组
海外直订A Primer on Nonmarket Valuation 非市场估值入门
海外直订An Empirical Examination of the Valuation Effect of Capital Structure, Earnings 资本结构、盈余质量和经营效
海外直订BVR's Guide to Restaurant Valuation BVR餐厅估价指南
海外直订Supply Chain Games: Operations Management and Risk Valuation 供应链博弈:运营管理与风险评估
海外直订Valuation and Conservation of Biodiversity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on th 生物多样性的评估和保护:《
海外直订BVR's Guide to Intellectual Property Valuation, Second Edition BVR的知识产权评估指南,第二版
海外直订Cost-Benefit Analysis of Environmental Goods by Applying Contingent Valuation Me 运用条件价值法对环境产品进行成
海外直订Modules Over Discrete Valuation Rings 离散赋值环上的模
海外直订Environmental and Resource Valuation with Revealed Preferences: A Theoretical Gu 揭示偏好的环境和资源评估:
海外直订Valuation for Accountants: A Short Course Based on Ifrs 会计估值:基于Ifrs的短期课程
海外直订Financial Valuation and Econometrics (2nd Edition) 财务估值与计量经济学(第二版)
海外直订Risk-Neutral Valuation: Pricing and Hedging of Financial Derivatives 风险中性估值:金融衍生品的定价和对冲
海外直订Exam Prep for Investment Valuation by Damodaran, 2nd Ed. 达莫达兰投资估价考试准备,第2版。
海外直订Forest Valuation under Carbon Pricing 碳定价下的森林价值评估
海外直订PDE Valuation of Interest Rate Derivatives: From Theory To Implementation 利率衍生品的PDE估值
现货 灵活性和房地产估价下的不确定性 Flexibility and Real Estate Valuation Under UncertaintyRichard de Neufvill
海外直订A Framework of Intangible Valuation Areas 无形资产评估领域框架
海外直订Real Options Valuation: The Importance of Interest Rate Modelling in Theory and 实物期权估价:利率模型在理论和
海外直订Non-Commutative Valuation Rings and Semi-Hereditary Orders 非交换赋值环与半遗传序
海外直订Indicating Value in Early-Stage Technology Venture Valuation: A Design Science A 早期技术风险评估中的价值指
海外直订Elementary Financial Derivatives: A Guide to Trading and Valuation with Applicat 初级金融衍生品:交易和估值应用
海外直订Corporate Finance: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Reporting, Business Valuation 公司财务:最终指南的财务报
海外直订Investment Valuation and Appraisal: Theory and Practice 投资评估与评估:理论与实践
海外直订International Transfer Pricing: The Valuation of Intangible Assets 国际转移定价:无形资产的估值
海外直订Economic Valuation of Non-Timber Forest Products 非木材林产品的经济评价
海外直订Exam Prep for Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies by Koller 评估考试准备:由Ko
海外直订Computational Finance Using C and C#: Derivatives and Valuation 使用C和C#的计算金融学:衍生品和估值
海外直订Valuation Challenges and Solutions in Contemporary Businesses 当代企业的估值挑战和解决方案
海外直订Valuation of Human Capital: Quantifying the Importance of an Assembled Workforce 人力资本估值:量化一个集合
海外直订Theory of Valuation: Frontiers of Modern Financial Theory, Volume 1 《估价理论:现代金融理论前沿》第1卷
海外直订An Introduction to Financial Option Valuation: Mathematics, Stochastics and Comp 金融期权估价导论:数学、随
海外直订Innovations in Derivatives Markets: Fixed Income Modeling, Valuation Adjustments 衍生产品市场的创新:固定收
海外直订Corporate Valuation in the Knowledge Economy: Knowledge Accounting and Knowledge 知识经济中的企业价值:信息
海外直订Oil Property Valuation 石油资产评估
海外直订An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation 知识与价值分析
海外直订Redefining Shareholder Value: Demystifying the Valuation Myth 重新定义股东价值:揭秘估值神话
海外直订A Handbook on the WTO Customs Valuation Agreement WTO海关估价协议手册
海外直订F. R. Leavis: 'Valuation in Criticism' and Other Essays F. R.里维斯:《批评中的价值》和其他论文
海外直订Valuation of Interest Rate Swaps and Swaptions 利率掉期和掉期的估值
海外直订Investment Decisions and the Logic of Valuation: Linking Finance, Accounting, an 投资决策和估值逻辑:连接财
海外直订The Public Sector R&d Enterprise: A New Approach to Portfolio Valuation 公共部门研发企业:投资组合估值的新方
海外直订Survey, Valuation and Census of the Barony of Portnehinch, Compiled in the Year Portnehinc
海外直订The Economics of Biodiversity Conservation: Valuation in Tropical Forest Ecosyst 生物多样性保护的经济学:热
海外直订Valuation of Intangible Assets in Global Operati... 全球业务中无形资产的估值
海外直订医药图书Valuation of Physician Practices and Clinics 医生实践和诊所的评估
海外直订Exam Prep for Fundamentals of Investments Valuation and Management by Corrado, J 《投资估价与管理基础》考前
海外直订Valuation for Financial Reporting: Fair Value, Business Combinations, Intangible 财务报告估值:公允价值、企
海外直订Introductory Notes on Valuation Rings and Functi... 单变量赋值环和函数域的导论
预售 金融公司估值 银行保险等公司的工具和技术 The Valuation Of Financial Companies 英文原版 Mario Massari【中商原版】
现货 物业估价 第2版 Property Valuation 2E Peter Wyatt 英文原版 中商原版 wiley
海外直订Coastal Resources Economics and Ecosystem Valuation 沿海资源经济与生态系统评价
海外直订Railroad Valuation and Rates 铁路估价和费率
海外直订Environmental Resource Valuation: Applications of the Contingent Valuation Metho 环境资源评估:条件评估法在
海外直订Business Valuation Demystified 商业估值揭开神秘面纱
海外直订Environment, Ethics, & Behavior: The Psychology of Environmental Valuation and D 环境、伦理与行为:环境评价
海外直订Valuation for Accountants 会计估价
海外直订Principles of recognition and valuation of assets and liabilities in separate fi 在单独的财务报表中确认和评
海外直订Valuation, Seventh Edition + DCF Model Download ... 估值,第七版+ DCF模型下载-衡量和管理公司的价值
现货 早期估值:公允价值视角 Early Stage Valuation: A Fair Value Perspective Antonella Puca 英文原版 中商原版
海外直订Commercializing Growth: Connecting Valuation with Management and Governance Meth 商业化增长:将估值与管理和
海外直订Applicaton of selected IFRS accounting and valuation options: A cross-country an 所选国际财务报告准则会计和
预售 采矿估值手册:投资者与管理层的采矿与能源估值 The Mining Valuation Handbook 4E VICTOR RUDENNO 英文原版 中商原版
【4周达】Internet Valuation: The Way Ahead [9780333949603]
海外直订Environmental Resource Valuation: Applications of the Contingent Valuation Metho 环境资源评估:条件评估法在
海外直订Alternatives for Environmental Valuation 环境评价备选方案
海外直订Functional Analysis and Valuation Theory 功能分析与估值理论
【4周达】The Economics Of Human Systems Integration: Valuation Of Investments In People'S Training An... [9780470486764]
海外直订Flood Evaluation and Dam Safety: évaluation Des Crues Et Sécurité Des Barrages 洪水评估与大坝安全:洪水评估
海外直订Economic Valuation of Biodiversity: An Interdisciplinary Conceptual Perspective 生物多样性的经济价值:一个跨
海外直订Daily Knowledge Valuation in Organizations: Traceability and Capitalization 组织中的日常知识评估:可追溯性和
海外直订Monetary Valuation of Environmental Impacts: Models and Data 环境影响的货币估值:模型和数据
海外直订The Economics of Human Systems Integration: Valuation of Investments in People 人类系统集成经济学:对人的
海外直订Rating Valuation 评级估值
海外直订Business Valuation: The Ultimate Guide to Business Valuation for Beginners, Incl 商业评估:初学者商业评估的
【4周达】估值工作簿 简装 第七版 Valuation Workbook, Seventh Edition: Step-By-Step Exercises And Tests... [9781119611813]
海外直订Valuation and Volatility 估值及波动率
现货 估值 Valuation: Measuring And Managing The Value Of Companies [Wiley金融] [9781119611868]
英文原版 学会估值,轻松投资:如何评估一家公司、选股并盈利 威利 The Little Book Of Valuation:
英文原版 学会估值轻松投资:如何评估一家公司、选股并盈利 威利 The Little Book Of Valuation:
海外直订Multiple Valuation of non-Listed Enterprises From the Health Care Branch - Conce Multiple V
海外直订Valuation of Social Cost (Routledge Revivals) 社会成本评估(劳特利奇复兴)
海外直订Economic Valuation of Biodiversity: An Interdisciplinary Conceptual Perspective 生物多样性的经济评估:跨学科
【4周达】Computational Finance Using C and C#: Derivatives and Valuation [9780128035795]
海外直订The Business of Mining: Mineral Project Valuation 矿业业务:矿产项目估价