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正版人民币化:基于注意力配置与经济不确定的视角:from the perspective of attention allocation杨甜婕书店经济书籍 畅想畅销书
人民币化:基于注意力配置与经济不确定的视角:from the perspective of attention allocation and economic unce杨甜婕 经济书籍
划配执政坎拔Kambal, Consul of Allocation 简中纪念闪日文 英文
海外直订Network Economics and the Allocation of Savings: A Model of Peering in the Voice 经济与储蓄分配:IP语音
海外直订Robust Resource Allocation in Future Wireless Networks 未来无线中的鲁棒资源分配
预订Asset Allocation and Private Markets:A Guide to Investing with Private Equity, Private Debt, and Private Real Assets
海外直订Study on the Optimal Allocation of Water Resources Systems and the Comprehensive 干旱半干旱多矿区水资源系统
海外直订Resource Allocation Mechanisms 资源分配机制
海外直订Potential Game Theory: Applications in Radio Resource Allocation 潜在博弈论在无线资源分配中的应用
预订Least Cost Solutions For Removing Poultry Litter From Eucha-Spavinaw Watershed - Optimum Allocation
服务质量的限制 视频带宽分配 英文原版 Bandwidth Allocation For Video Under Quality Of Service Constraints Bushra Anj
【4周达】Beyond Diversification: What Every Investor Needs to Know about Asset Allocation [9781260474879]
现货 无线资源分配和动态频谱接入 Radio Resource Allocation And Dynami【中商原版】
按需印刷Modern Asset Allocation for Wealth Management[9781119566946]
按需印刷Resource Allocation in Next-Generation Broadband Wireless Access Networks[9781522520238]
海外直订Fundamentals of Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks: Theory and Algorithms 无线资源分配基础:理论
海外直订Space and Time in German Innovative Activity: Regional Allocation Patterns, Dete 德国创新活动的时空:区域分配模
按需印刷Pensionize Your Nest Egg:How to Use Product Allocation to Create a Guaranteed Income for Life[9781119025252]
海外直订Logical Control of Complex Resource Allocation Systems 复杂资源分配系统的逻辑控制
海外直订Resource Allocation in Project Management 项目管理中的资源配置
海外直订Gas Allocation Optimization Methods in Artificial Gas Lift 人工气举中的气体分配优化方法
海外直订Resource Allocation and MIMO for 4G and Beyond 4G及以上的资源分配和MIMO
海外直订The Overproduction Trap in U.S. Agriculture: A Study of Resource Allocation from 美国农业生产过剩陷阱
预售 按需印刷 Differentiated Land Allocation in Resettlement Schemes of Zambia
海外直订Participatory Land Use Allocation 参与式土地利用分配
海外直订医药图书Rationing and Resource Allocation in Healthcare 医疗保健中的配给和资源分配
海外直订Cooperative Spectrum Sensing and Resource Allocation Strategies in Cognitive Rad 认知无线电中的协同频谱
海外直订Resource Allocation with Carrier Aggregation in Cellular Networks: Optimality an 蜂窝网中载波聚合的资源分配
海外直订Land Allocation for Biomass Crops: Challenges and Opportunities with Changing La 生物质作物的土地分配:土地
海外直订Robust Resource Allocation in Future Wireless Networks 未来无线的稳健资源分配
海外直订Resource Allocation and Sharing in Wireless Mesh Networks 无线网状中的资源分配与共享
海外直订Resource Allocation in Unlicensed Long Term Evolution Hetnets 无许可长期演化中的资源分配
海外直订Distributed Heterogeneous Multi Sensor Task Allocation Systems 分布式异构多传感器任务分配系统
海外直订Virtualized Wireless Networks: User Association and Resource Allocation 虚拟无线:用户关联和资源分配
预售 按需印刷 Modern Asset Allocation C
海外直订An Examination of Supplantation and Redistribution Effects of Lottery Allocation 社区大学系统中彩票分配的替代和
海外直订Rationality, Allocation, and Reproduction 理性、分配和再生产
预订Strategic and Tactical Asset Allocation:An Integrated Approach
海外直订Dynamic Extent-Based Allocation Technique for Multimedia File Systems 基于动态扩展的多媒体文件系统分配技术
海外直订Dynamic Resource Allocation in Wireless Fading Channels 无线衰落信道中的动态资源分配
现货 私人市场资产配置 - 私募股权,私人债务和私人实物资产指引 Asset Allocation And Private Markets Cyril Demaria
【预售 按需印刷】Artificial Techniques for Optimum Allocation of Generating Units
海外直订The New Science of Asset Allocation: Risk Management in a Multi-Asset World 资产配置新科学:多元资产世界中的
【预售 按需印刷】Resource Allocation in Next-Generation Broadband Wireless Access Networks
预售 按需印刷 Water Allocation Law in New Zealand
【预售按需印刷】Resource Allocation and Sharing in Wireless Mesh Networks
【预售 按需印刷】Global Asset Allocation
海外直订Capabilities, Allocation and Earnings 能力、分配和收益
海外直订Capabilities, Allocation and Earnings 能力,分配和收益
海外直订Adaptive Designs for Sequential Treatment Allocation 序列处理分配的自适应设计
现货 肯尼斯 约瑟夫 阿罗 资源分配过程研究 英文原版 Studies in Resource Allocation Processes Kenneth J Arrow【中商原版】
海外直订Resource Allocation in Network Function Virtualization: Problems, Models and Alg 功能虚拟化中的资源分配
海外直订Radio Resource Allocation Over Fading Channels Under Statistical Delay Constrain 统计时延约束下衰落信道的无
【预售 按需印刷】Water Allocation and Simulation using MIKE BASIN Model
【预售 按需印刷】Secondary metabolism and resource allocation in two coastal plants
【预售 按需印刷】Relay Selection & Resource Allocation in Cognitive Cooperative Network
【预售 按需印刷】Theory Method Tact Asset Allocation
按需印刷 Dynamic Asset Allocation
预售 按需印刷 Resource Allocation Model
海外直订Fundamentals of Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks: Theory and Algorithms 无线资源分配基础:理论与
按需印刷Water Allocation Law in New Zealand:Lessons from Australia[9780367896621]
海外直订Risk and Asset Allocation 风险与资产配置
海外直订An Introduction to Allocation Rules 分配规则简介
按需印刷Participatory Land Use Allocation[9783844329476]
【预售 按需印刷】Resource Allocation and Management in Computer Networks
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预售 按需印刷 Allocation of Sample Size in Stratified Sampling
【预售 按需印刷】Effective US-Czech Stock Portfolio Allocation
【预售 按需印刷】Strategic Allocation of Resources Using Linear Programming Model with Parametric Analysis
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【预售 按需印刷】Asset Allocation Risk Management and the Variance Risk Premium
海外直订Critically Impaired Infants and End of Life Decision Making: Resource Allocation 严重受损婴儿与生命末期决策
【预售 按需印刷】Resource Allocation in OFDMA Network
海外直订医药图书Rationing and Resource Allocation in Healthcare: Essential Readings 医疗保健中的配给和资源分配:基
海外直订Optimal Resource Allocation for Distributed Vide... 分布式视频通信的资源优化分配
海外直订Randomization, Masking, and Allocation Concealme... 随机、掩蔽和分配掩蔽
海外直订Interplant Resource Integration: Optimization and Allocation
【预售 按需印刷】Options for improving irrigation water allocation and use
预售 按需印刷 Vehicle Routing and Resource Allocation under Uncertainty
预售 按需印刷Die Asset-Allocation als Hilfsmittel zur Portfoliooptimierung德语ger
海外直订Memory Allocation Problems in Embedded Systems /... 嵌入式系统中的内存分配问题/优化方法
海外直订Water Allocation and Simulation using MIKE BASIN Model MIKE盆地模型的水量分配与模拟
【预售 按需印刷】Attitude to risk in resource allocation among food crop farmers
海外直订Resource Allocation 资源分配
海外直订Strategic and Tactical Asset Allocation 战略和战术资产配置
【预售 按需印刷】The Companion Modeling And Water Allocation Strategies
海外直订Equitable Resource Allocation - Models, Algorith... 公平资源分配-模型,算法和应用
海外直订Water Allocation Law in New Zealand: Lessons from Australia 新西兰的水资源分配法:澳大利亚的经验
海外直订Multi-UAV Planning and Task Allocation 无人机多任务规划与分配
海外直订Randomization, Masking, and Allocation Concealment 随机化、掩蔽和分配隐藏
海外直订Oil Revenues in the Gulf Emirates: Patterns of Allocation and Impact on Economic 海湾酋长国的石油收入:分配
海外直订Adaptive Asset Allocation: Dynamic Global Portfolios to Profit in Good Times - A 适应性资产配置:动态的全球