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数据科学与商业分析:用机器学习与统计学优化商业决策:combining machin马特·塔迪普通大众数据处理关系商业信息分析工业技术书籍
书籍正版 数据科学与商业分析:用机器学与统计学优化商业决策:combining mach 马特·塔迪 人民邮电出版社 工业技术 9787115559135
12.7x12.7mm Six High-Cube Color Light Combining Prism Beam S
按需印刷Secret Ingredients:The Magical Process of Combining Flavors[9780595193776]
按需印刷Combining Classifiers using the Dempster Shafer Theory of Evidence[9783639232240]
按需印刷Corpus Triangulation:Combining Data and Methods in Corpus-Based Translation Studies[9781138948501]
预订Get Well with the Hay Diet:Food Combining and Good Health
按需印刷Combining Mediation and Arbitration in International Commercial Dispute Resolution[9781138478404]
预订The Beginner's Pegan Diet Cookbook:Plant-Forward Recipes Combining the Best of the Paleo and Vegan Diets for Lifelon
按需印刷Bradbury's Eaton's Practical Arithmetic - Combining Oral And Written Exercises[9781446020821]
预订Towards High-Performance Word Sense Disambiguation- Combining Rich Linguistic Knowledge and Machine
预订The Raw Energy Bible:Packed With Raw Energy Goodness and Food Combining Facts
按需印刷Combining E-Learning and M-Learning[9781609604813]
按需印刷TF Combining Political History and Political Science[9781032010373]
预订The Art of Combining Surgical and Nonsurgical Techniques in Aesthetic Medicine
【4周达】Overseas Acquisitions and Mergers: Combining for Profits Abroad [9780275921118]
【4周达】Combining Chemicals - Fun Chemistry Book for 4th Graders | Children's Chemistry Books [9781541910836]
【4周达】Quantifying and Managing Soil Functions in Earth's Critical Zone, Volume 142: Combining Expe... [9780128122228]
【4周达】United States Health Care System, The: Combining Business, Health, and Delivery [9780134297798]
按需印刷Combining Exercise and Psychotherapy to Treat Mental Health
【4周达】Advances in Combining Intelligent Methods: Postproceedings of the 5th International Workshop... [9783319834672]
【4周达】The MediterrAsian Way: A cookbook and guide to health, weight loss and longevity, combining ... [9780473453817]
【4周达】Integrated Management System: Combining other standards with ISO 9001 [9781326810900]
【4周达】Meta-analysis and Combining Information in Genetics and Genomics [9781138116115]
【4周达】Projection-Based Clustering through Self-Organization and Swarm Intelligence: Combining Clus... [9783658205393]
【4周达】The Fully Integrated Engineer: Combining Technical Ability And Leadership Prowess [Wiley电子... [9781118854310]
【4周达】Meta Analysis - A Guide To Calibrating And Combining Statistical Evidence [Wiley统计学] [9780470028643]
【4周达】Convergence Marketing: Combining Brand And Direct For Unprecendented Profits [Wiley经管] [9780470164938]
【4周达】Innovation Through Fusion: Combining Innovative Ideas to Create High Impact Solutions [9781547417766]
【4周达】Integrating Excel and Access: Combining Applications to Solve Business Problems [9780596009731]
【4周达】Combining E-Learning and M-Learning: New Applications of Blended Educational Resources [9781609604813]
【4周达】数据驱动的流体力学 Data-Driven Fluid Mechanics: Combining First Principles and Machine Learning [9781108842143]
【4周达】Getting Excited About Data: Combining People, Passion, and Proof to Maximize Student Achieve... [9780761939597]
【4周达】The MediterrAsian Way: A cookbook and guide to health, weight loss and longevity, combining ... [9780473453763]
【4周达】Mixed Methodology: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches [9780761900719]
【4周达】The Business Ethics Twin-Track - Combining Controls And Culture To Minimise Reputational Ris... [9781118785379]
【4周达】Pickleball Zen - Venus Rising: Raising your Pickleball EQ... Combining the physical, the men... [9781541394742]
【4周达】Blended Embroidery: Combining Old & New Textiles, Ephemera & Embroidery [9781617458095]
【4周达】Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle: Combining the Greek–English Indexes fr... [9781350250475]
【4周达】Signs and Portents: A Reader's Guide for Combining Psychic Tools [9780986436468]
【4周达】The 4-1-1 on Step Parenting: Essential Tips on: Communicating & Bonding; Combining Families;... [9780983664635]
预订 Combining ability & heterosis for yield in Safflower [9783330333871]
预订 The Beginning Teacher's K-6 Classroom : Combining Theory and Practice to Motivate Students to Learn [9781527542525]
【4周达】Frontiers of Combining Systems : Third International Workshop, FroCoS 2000 Nancy, France, Ma... [9783540672814]
【4周达】Elementary Mechanics Using Matlab : A Modern Course Combining Analytical and Numerical Techn... [9783319386737]
预订 Combining Aesthetic and Psychological Approaches to TV Series Addiction [9781527509146]
【4周达】Competency in Combining Pharmacotherapy and Psychotherapy: Integrated and Split Treatment, S... [9781615370665]
【4周达】The Art of Combining Surgical and Nonsurgical Techniques in Aesthetic Medicine [9781626236820]
【4周达】An Integrated Company-Wide Management System : Combining Lean Six Sigma with Process Improve... [9783030075583]
【4周达】Combining Individual and Group Therapy (The Master Work Series) [9781568211695]
【4周达】Total Soccer Coaching: Combining Physical, Technical and Tactical Training [9781591640578]
【4周达】The Ultimate Guide to Beer Cocktails: 50 Creative Recipes for Combining Beer and Booze [9781510729216]
预订 Heterosis and Combining Ability in Medium Maturity Yellow Seeded Maize [9783330077676]
【4周达】Social Collective Intelligence : Combining the Powers of Humans and Machines to Build a Smar... [9783319379609]
预订 Combining biology and chemistry to target the flu virus [9786202081009]
预订 Divergence, Combining Ability and Stability Analysis in Hybrid Rice [9783846512272]
【4周达】Frontiers of Combining Systems : 4th International Workshop, FroCoS 2002, Santa Margherita L... [9783540433811]
预订 Combining Ability Studies in Field Pea for Yield and its Attributes [9786139946907]
预订 Genetic Divergence, Combining Ability and Heterosis for Yield and [9783848431991]
预订 Combining Ability of Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L) Moench) Inbred Lines [9783330034327]
【4周达】Combining Interval, Probabilistic, and Other Types of Uncertainty in Engineering Applications [9783030081584]
【4周达】Identifying Patterns in Financial Markets : New Approach Combining Rules Between PIPs and SAX [9783319701592]
预订 Heterosis, Combining Ability and GXE interactions in Sweet Sorghum [9783659133602]
【4周达】Frontiers of Combining Systems: 7th International Symposium, FroCoS 2009, Trento, Italy, Sep... [9783642042218]
预订 Hands-On Ensemble Learning with R: A beginner's guide to combining the power of machine learning... [9781788624145]
预订 Heterosis and Combining Ability Analysis in Maize (Zea mays L.) [9783330008366]
【4周达】Combining Soft Computing and Statistical Methods in Data Analysis [9783642147456]
预订 Heterosis and Combining ability in Brassica Using Diallel Crosses [9783659187230]
预订 Heterosis and Combining Ability in Single Cross Maize Hybrids [9783330086272]
预订 Combining Ability and Heterosis in Rapeseed [9783659229114]
预订 Joint Diversity Combining, Adaptive Modulation, and Power Control [9783844397475]
【4周达】Speech in Action: Interactive Activities Combining Speech Language Pathology and Adaptive Ph... [9781849058469]
【4周达】Neural Networks and the Financial Markets : Predicting, Combining and Portfolio Optimisation [9781852335311]
【4周达】A Corpus-Based Approach to Clause Combining in English from the Systemic Functional Perspective [9789811373909]
预订 Combining Forecasts: An Application to Stock Exchange Index [9786202487658]
【4周达】Agile Service Development : Combining Adaptive Methods and Flexible Solutions [9783642281877]
预订 Heterosis and Combining Ability in Early Maturing QPM (Zea mays L.) [9783330008144]
【4周达】Growing Adaptive Machines : Combining Development and Learning in Artificial Neural Networks [9783662509449]
预订 Integrated Intelligence: Combining Human and Artificial Intelligence for Competitive Advantage [9783593512037]
【4周达】Hybrid Modeling and Optimization of Manufacturing : Combining Artificial Intelligence and Fi... [9783642280849]
预订 Estimation of Combining Ability and Heterosis for Grain Yield [9783659259050]
【4周达】Frontiers of Combining Systems : 11th International Symposium, FroCoS 2017, Brasília, Brazi... [9783319661667]
【4周达】Dissecting Regulatory Interactions of RNA and Protein : Combining Computation and High-throu... [9783319361178]
预订 Heterosis and combining ability in opium poppy [9786139881727]
预订 Research aspects of modified Aggressive Packet Combining (APC) scheme [9786200654359]
预订 Combining Ability, Heterosis and Stability Analysis in Pearl Millet [9786202007801]
【4周达】Combining Interval, Probabilistic, and Other Types of Uncertainty in Engineering Applications [9783319910253]
预订 Combining Ability and Heterosis for Polygenic Characters in Maize [9783659242588]
预订 The Interest of combining an additive with fuel blends [9783330070707]
【4周达】An Integrated Company-Wide Management System : Combining Lean Six Sigma with Process Improve... [9783319990330]
【4周达】Elementary Mechanics Using Python : A Modern Course Combining Analytical and Numerical Techn... [9783319195957]
预订 Genetic Diversity, Combining Ability, Heterosis and Stability in Rice [9783848447176]
【4周达】Elementary Mechanics Using Python : A Modern Course Combining Analytical and Numerical Techn... [9783319386843]
预订 Heterotic Performance and Combining Ability in Sorghum [9786203025965]
【4周达】Advances in Combining Intelligent Methods: Postproceedings of the 5th International Workshop... [9783319461991]
预订 Heterosis and combining ability over environments in okra [9783330004054]
预订 Combining Spatial and Non-spatial Data for Knowledge Discovery [9783845418834]