Beyond Entrepreneurship 2 0 超越创业2 精装 Jim Collins
[预订]Disciplined Entrepreneurship Startup Tactics: 15 Tactics to Turn Your Business Plan Into a Business 9781394223350
英文原版 自律型创业:24步教你打造成功的初创企业 Disciplined Entrepreneurship
万物互联:物联网创新创业启示录:internet of things inspiration on innovation and entrepreneurship9787115437853
历的企业家精神:从古代美索不达米亚到现代:entrepreneurship from ancient Meso戴维·兰德斯普通大众企业家企业精神研究管理书籍
【文】金融发展与企业家创业:中国的城乡差异=Financial development and entrepreneurship 9787509625194
【书】金融发展与企业家创业:中国的城乡差异=Financial development and entrepreneurship9787509625194
金字塔底层创业:城市外来工创业调查:an investigation of urban migrant workers' entrepreneurship 书田宇 励志 书籍
正版互联网时代下的创新、创业与战略--2016战略管理会议论文集(Innovation, Entrepreneurship揭筱纹书店管理书籍 畅想畅销书
Skillmatics Board Game - Up Start, Entrepreneurship and B
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预售 按需印刷 Studyguide for Managing Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship by McKelvey M. ISBN 9781781005514
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预售 按需印刷 Implications for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development in the Blue Economy
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【预售 按需印刷】Studyguide for Patterns of Entrepreneurship by Warren Kaplan & ISBN 9780471737506
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预售 按需印刷 The influence of social capital on social entrepreneurship
按需印刷 Green entrepreneurship and environmental economics
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