【GTM261】概率和随机 Probability and Stochastics 英文版 数理化精品 出版社官方自营
概率和随机 Probability and Stochastics [美] E.辛拉(Cinlar E.) 兼顾理论和应用 讲述概率和随机的研究生教材 世界图书出版社
正版图书 概率和随机(英文版) E.辛拉 著 世图科技 Probability and Stochastics 概率论与数理统计 高校研究生专业人员教材
【预售】Discrete Stochastics
【预售】Risk and Stochastics
【预售】Fractal Geometry and Stochastics IV
【预订】Asymptotic Laws and Methods in Stochastics
【预售】Game Theory: Stochastics, Information, Strategies
【预售】Discrete Stochastics [With CDROM]
【预售】Stochastics in Finite and Infinite Dimensions
【预售】Analysis and Stochastics of Growth P...
【预订】Modern Stochastics and Applications
【预售】Probability and Stochastics
【预售】Quantum Stochastics and Information: Statistics
【预售】Fractal Geometry and Stochastics II
【预订】Quantum Stochastics
【预订】Fractal Geometry and Stochastics V
【预售】Advances in Finance and Stochastics: Essays in
【预售】Ambit Stochastics
【4周达】Probability and Stochastics [9781461428121]
【预售】Computation and Combinatorics in Dynamics, Stochastics and Control
【预订】Stochastics, Control and Robotics 9781032055855
【预售】Information Theory and Stochastics for Multiscale Nonlinear Systems
【预售】Teaching and Learning Stochastics
【预售】Ambit Stochastics (2018)
【预订】Fractal Geometry and Stochastics III
【预订】Fractal Geometry and Stochastics VI
【预售】Asymptotic Methods in Stochastics
【预订】Teaching and Learning Stochastics
【预订】Stochastics of Environmental and Financial Economics
【预售 按需印刷】Risk and Stochastics
按需印刷Risk and Stochastics[9781786341945]
预售 按需印刷 Stochastics
按需印刷DGYT Stochastics[9783110191455]
【4周达】Analysis and Stochastics of Growth Processes and Interface Models [9780199239252]
【4周达】Advances in Finance and Stochastics : Essays in Honour of Dieter Sondermann [9783540434641]
【4周达】Game Theory : Stochastics, Information, Strategies and Cooperation [9780792386735]
【4周达】Quantum Stochastics: - Quantum Stochastics [9781107069190]
【4周达】Information Theory and Stochastics for Multiscale Nonlinear Systems [9780821838433]
【4周达】Asymptotic Laws and Methods in Stochastics: A Volume in Honour of Miklós Csörgő [9781493930753]
【4周达】Modern Stochastics and Applications [9783319344386]
【4周达】An Introduction to Financial Option Valuation: Mathematics, Stochastics and Computation [9780521547574]
【4周达】Advances in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Stochastics [9789810233969]
【4周达】Stochastic Calculus: A Practical Introduction (Probability and Stochastics) [9780849380716]
【4周达】Teaching and Learning Stochastics : Advances in Probability Education Research [9783030102821]
【4周达】Modern Stochastics and Applications [9783319035116]
【4周达】Asymptotic Methods in Stochastics: Festschrift for Miklaos Cseorgio [9780821835616]
【4周达】Stochastics: Introduction to Probability and Statistics [9783110191455]
【4周达】Fractal Geometry and Stochastics II [9783764362157]
【4周达】Fractal Geometry and Stochastics II [9783034895422]
【4周达】Teaching and Learning Stochastics : Advances in Probability Education Research [9783319728704]
【4周达】Fractal Geometry and Stochastics V [9783319186597]
【4周达】Discrete Stochastics [9783034897136]
【4周达】Ambit Stochastics [9783030068028]
Risk and Stochastics: Ragnar Norberg [9781786341945]
【4周达】Computation and Combinatorics in Dynamics, Stochastics and Control : The Abel Symposium, Ros... [9783030015923]
【4周达】Fractal Geometry and Stochastics VI [9783030596484]
【4周达】Quantum Stochastics and Information: Statistics, Filtering and Control [9789812832955]
【4周达】Ambit Stochastics [9783319941288]
【4周达】Fractal Geometry and Stochastics V [9783319361574]
【4周达】Stochastics in Finite and Infinite Dimensions: In Honor of Gopinath Kallianpur [9780817641375]
预订 Anomalous Stochastics: A Comprehensive Guide to Multifractals, Random Walks, and Real-World Applications 异常随机:
【4周达】Fractal Geometry and Stochastics [9783034877572]
【4周达】Fractal Geometry and Stochastics VI [9783030596514]
[预订]Numerical Methods and Stochastics 9780821819944
预订 Stochastics, Algebra and Analysis in Classical and Quantum Dynamics
【4周达】Pseudo-Differential Equations And Stochastics Over Non-Archimedean Fields [9780824706555]
预订 Metaeconomics: Stochastics & Nanotech [9783659670701]
预订 Ideas and Methods in Mathematical Analysis, Stochastics, and Applications: Volume 1: In Memory o... [9780521419291]
【4周达】Stochastics of Environmental and Financial Economics : Centre of Advanced Study, Oslo, Norwa... [9783319370620]
[预订]Discrete Stochastics 9783764325916
【4周达】Stochastics, Control and Robotics [9781032055855]
【4周达】Asymptotic Laws and Methods in Stochastics: A Volume in Honour of Miklós Csörgő [9781493950119]
【4周达】Numerical Methods and Stochastics [9780821819944]
预订 Asymptotic Stochastics: An Introduction with a View towards Statistics 渐近推测学:面向统计学观点的导论: 9783662689
【4周达】Contributions to Stochastics : In Honour of the 75th Birthday of Walther Eberl, Sr. [9783642468957]
【4周达】Asymptotic Stochastics: An Introduction with a View Towards Statistics [9783662689226]
【4周达】Advances in Finance and Stochastics : Essays in Honour of Dieter Sondermann [9783642077920]
【4周达】Stochastics of Environmental and Financial Economics : Centre of Advanced Study, Oslo, Norwa... [9783319234243]
【4周达】Game Theory : Stochastics, Information, Strategies and Cooperation [9781441951144]
【4周达】Stochastics, Algebra and Analysis in Classical and Quantum Dynamics: Proceedings of the IVth... [9789401179782]
【4周达】Stochastics: Introduction to Probability and Statistics [9783110292541]
【预售】Stochastics in Finite and Infinite Dimensions:...
【预售】Fractal Geometry and Stochastics III
【4周达】Fractal Geometry and Stochastics III: v. 3 (Progress in Probability) [9783764370701]
【4周达】Discrete Stochastics [9783764325916]
【4周达】Stochastics in Finite and Infinite Dimensions : In Honor of Gopinath Kallianpur [9781461266433]
【4周达】Fractal Geometry and Stochastics III [9783034896122]
【预订】Fractal Geometry and Stochastics VI 9783030596514