【正版】麦克造物记:基于Boson Kit的小学生创客手册 9787542859181 上海科技教育
正版麦克造物记:基于Boson Kit的小学生创客手册谢作如上海科技教育出版社9787542859181
麦克造物记——基于Boson Kit的小学生创客手册
【议价】38. boson HS-TRG-4
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预订CERN and the Higgs Boson:The Global Quest for the Building Blocks of Reality
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【4周达】The Particle at the End of the Universe: How the Hunt for the Higgs Boson Leads Us to the Ed... [9780142180303]
海外直订Cern and the Higgs Boson: The Global Quest for the Building Blocks of Reality 欧洲核子研究委员会与希格斯玻
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预售 按需印刷The theory and discovery of the Higgs boson
海外直订Present at the Creation: Discovering the Higgs Boson 《创造:发现希格斯玻色子
【4周达】The Higgs Boson and Other Phenomena [9789389690170]
海外直订Higgs Boson Mass predicted by the Four Color Theorem 用四色定理预测希格斯玻色子质量
【4周达】Present at the Creation: Discovering the Higgs Boson [9780307591821]
海外直订Higgs Boson, Origin of Big Bang -THE UNIVERSE, SPACE, AND BEYOND 希格斯玻色子,大爆炸的起源——宇宙、空间和
【4周达】Massive : The Higgs Boson and the Greatest Hunt in Science: Updated Edition [9780753541531]
【预订】Observation of a New State in the Search for the Higgs Boson at CMS
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议价FLIR BOSON VPC Accessory wh议价商品
预订 How to Find a Higgs Boson--And Other Big Mysteries in the World of the Very Small 如何在很小的世界中, 找到希格斯玻
【4周达】Observation of a New State in the Search for the Higgs Boson at CMS [9788876424816]
【4周达】Grace in All Simplicity: Beauty, Truth, and Wonders on the Path to the Higgs Boson and New L... [9781639364817]
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【4周达】Supersymmetry and Beyond: From the Higgs Boson to the New Physics (Revised) [9780465082971]
海外直订The Large Hadron Collider: The Extraordinary Story of the Higgs Boson and Other 大型强子对撞机:希格斯玻色
【4周达】The Higgs Boson: A Window into Beyond-Standard-Model Physics [9783384242389]
【4周达】Inside CERN's Large Hadron Collider : From the Proton to the Higgs Boson [9789814656658]
海外直订The Higgs Boson 希格斯玻色子
【4周达】The Large Hadron Collider: The Extraordinary Story of the Higgs Boson and Other Stuff That W... [9781421439143]
【4周达】Cern: How We Found the Higgs Boson [9789814623469]
【4周达】Who Cares about Particle Physics?: Making Sense of the Higgs Boson, the Large Hadron Collide... [9780198826279]
【预售】Supersymmetry and Beyond: From the Higgs Boson to
海外直订Inside Cern's Large Hadron Collider: From the Proton to the Higgs Boson 欧洲核子研究中心大型强子对撞机内部
海外直订How to Find a Higgs Boson--And Other Big Mysteries in the World of the Very Smal 如何在极小的世界中找到希格
海外直订Unification of the Eleven Boson Interactions Based on 'rotations of Interactions 基于“相互作用的旋转”的11
海外直订Unification of the Seven Boson Interactions Based on the Riemann-Christoffel Cur 基于黎曼-克里斯托费尔曲率
预订Who Cares about Particle Physics?:Making Sense of the Higgs Boson, the Large Hadron Collider and CERN
【4周达】Unification of the Eleven Boson Interactions Based on 'rotations of Interactions': New Su(3)... [9780998457536]
[预订]Unification of the Eleven Boson Interactions Based on ’rotations of Interactions’: New Su(3)Xu(6 9780998457536
[预订]New Boson Quantum Field Theory, Dark Matter Dynamics, Dark Matter Fermion Layer Mixing, Genesis of H 9780997076134
[预订]The Large Hadron Collider: The Extraordinary Story of the Higgs Boson and Other Stuff That Will Blow 9781421439143
【4周达】A Whirlwind History of the Universe and Mankind: From the Big Bang to the Higgs Boson [9789819726738]
【4周达】New Boson Quantum Field Theory, Dark Matter Dynamics, Dark Matter Fermion Layer Mixing, Gene... [9780997076134]
【4周达】The Large Hadron Collider: The Extraordinary Story of the Higgs Boson and Other Stuff That W... [9781421413518]
【4周达】Unification of the Seven Boson Interactions Based on the Riemann-Christoffel Curvature Tenso... [9780998457505]
[预订]Unification of the Seven Boson Interactions Based on the Riemann-Christoffel Curvature Tensor: Modif 9780998457505
海外直订The theory and discovery of the Higgs boson 希格斯玻色子的理论和发现
海外直订Exact Solutions in Classical Field Theory: Solitons, Black Holes and Boson Stars 经典场论的精确解:孤子,黑
海外直订The Search and Discovery of the Higgs Boson: As a Brief Introduction to Particle 寻找和发现希格斯玻色子:粒
海外直订Particles and the Universe: From the Ionian School to the Higgs Boson and Beyond 粒子与宇宙:从爱奥尼亚学派
【4周达】Exact Solutions in Classical Field Theory: Solitons, Black Holes and Boson Stars [9783036529752]
【4周达】Particles and the Universe : From the Ionian School to the Higgs Boson and Beyond [9789814644693]
按需印刷The Search and Discovery of the Higgs Boson[9781681740140]
【预售 按需印刷】The Search and Discovery of the Higgs Boson
[预订]Exact Solutions in Classical Field Theory: Solitons, Black Holes and Boson Stars 9783036529752
预订The Large Hadron Collider:The Extraordinary Story of the Higgs Boson and Other Stuff That Will Blow Your Mind
【4周达】Inside CERN's Large Hadron Collider : From the Proton to the Higgs Boson [9789814656641]
【4周达】Who Cares about Particle Physics?: Making Sense of the Higgs Boson, the Large Hadron Collide... [9780198783244]
海外直订Who Cares about Particle Physics?: Making Sense of the Higgs Boson, the Large Ha 谁在乎粒子物理?:理解希格斯
【预售】The Interacting Boson Model
海外直订Many-Body Boson Systems: Half a Century Later 多体玻色子系统:半个世纪后
海外直订Crossover-Time in Quantum Boson and Spin Systems 量子玻色子与自旋系统的跨时间
【4周达】The Interacting Boson Model [9780521028790]
海外直订Cern: How We Found the Higgs Boson 欧洲核子研究所:我们是如何发现希格斯玻色子的
海外直订The Interacting Boson Model 相互作用玻色子模型
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【4周达】Many-Body Boson Systems : Half a Century Later [9780857291080]
【4周达】Many-Body Boson Systems : Half a Century Later [9781447126126]
【4周达】Crossover-Time in Quantum Boson and Spin Systems [9783662145067]