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当代刑思潮坛:第二卷:刑法教义与价值判断:Criminal law doctrine and value judgement9787301275580北京大学出版社
RT69包邮 Comparative criminal procedure: U.S. and China-introductions, cases, and reforms浙江大学出版社法律图书书籍
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正版 底线:刑事错案防范标准:prevention standard of criminal misjudged cases 樊崇义等著 中国政法大学出版社 9787562060031
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现货正版直发 中国刑事诉讼法简明讲义 Handbook on Chinese Criminal Procedure Law 郑曦 北京大学出版社 9787301334065
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【现货】 锚定叙事理论:刑事据心理学:the psychology of criminal evidence
RT69包邮 当代刑坛:卷:刑法教义与价值判断:Criminal law doctrine and value judgement北京大学出版社法律图书书籍
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RT正版 当代刑坛:卷:刑法教义与价值判断:Criminal law doctrine and value judgeme9787301275580 梁根林北京大学出版社法律书籍
正版新书 锚定叙事理论:刑事据心理学:the psychology of criminal evidence
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【出版社直供】中国刑事诉讼法简明讲义(Handbook on Chinese Criminal Procedure Law) 郑曦9787301334065北京大学出版社
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国图书店正版 锚定叙事理论:刑事据心理学:the psychology of criminal evidence
正版书籍 中国刑事诉讼法简明讲义(Handbook on Chinese Criminal Procedure Law) 郑曦北京大学出版社9787301334065
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