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Corporate governance, institutional environments and earnings management 张宇扬著 9787550445406
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国图书店正版 会计岗位实操大全:会计+出纳+纳税+电算化+财报编制与解读:accountant cashier taxes earnings computerization
预订Transitions through the Labor Market:Work, Occupation, Earnings and Retirement
【按需印刷】Earnings Management, Fintech-Driven Incentives a
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预订Stock Price Reaction to Quarterly Earnings Announcements with respect of outlook changes and deviati
按需印刷Earnings Quality and Earnings Management[9783639055443]
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按需印刷Accounting Conservatism or Earnings Management[9780530008417]
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预订Earnings Management:Emerging Insights in Theory, Practice, and Research
RT69包邮 财务报告准则实务指引:中英文对照:十四章:Chapter 14:每股收益:Earnings per share中国财政经济出版社一管理图书书籍
【预售】Earnings Management: Emerging Insights in Theory
【预售】Valuation Techniques: Discounted Cash Flow, Earnings
【预售】Capabilities, Allocation and Earnings
【预售】Earnings Management, Conservatism, and Earnings
【预售】Capital Market Implications of Earnings Quality
【预售】Determine the Real Earnings of Any Private Company
【预售】Jobs, Earnings, and Employment Growth Policies in
【预售】Empirical Studies of Earnings Mobility
【预售】Working Toward Better Pay: Earnings Dynamics in G
【预售】The Economics of Earnings
【预订】Introduction to Earnings Management...
【预订】Financial Crises and Earnings Manage...
【预订】Beyond Earnings: Applying The Holt C...
【预售】Capital Structure, Earnings Management, and Risk of Financial Distress: A Comparative Analysis of Family a...
【预售】Equity Valuation and Negative Earnings: The Case of the dot.com Bubble
【预订】International Financial Reporting Standards and New Directions in Earnings Management
【预订】Earnings Management, Fintech-Driven Incentives and Sustainable Growth
【预订】Equity Valuation and Negative Earnings
【预订】Earnings Quality
【预订】Introduction to Earnings Management
股票类型、研发强度与盈余公告股价漂移StockStyles,R&D Intensity and Post-Earnings Announcement Drift
【预订】New Determinants of Analysts’ Earnings Forecast Accuracy
【预订】Financial Crises and Earnings Management Behavior
【预订】Earnings Accruals and Real Activities Management around Initial Public Offerings
【预订】The Changing Distribution of Earnings in OECD Countries
【预订】Comparative Research on Earnings Management, Corporate Governance, and Economic Value
收益质量 Thornton L. O'glove 英文原版 Quality of Earnings
海外直订An Empirical Examination of the Valuation Effect of Capital Structure, Earnings 资本结构、盈余质量和经营效
海外直订Accounting Conservatism or Earnings Management: A Study of the Allowance for Dou 会计稳健性与盈余管理:化工
海外直订Earnings Quality 收益质量
海外直订Post-Earnings Announcement Drift 盈利公告后的漂移
海外直订Introduction to Earnings Management 盈余管理概论
收益指南 Quality of Earnings 英语版 新华正版 原版书进口英文书励志英文小说英语启蒙拓展推荐阅读故事小说
预售【外图英文原版】Comparative Research on Earnings Management, Corporate Governance, and Economic Value
海外直订New Determinants of Analysts' Earnings Forecast Accuracy 分析师盈利预测准确性的新决定因素
海外直订Financial Crises and Earnings Management Behavior: Arguments and Evidence Agains 金融危机与盈余管理行为:因
【预订】How Data Quality Affects our Understanding of the Earnings Distribut 9789811936418
【预订】How Data Quality Affects our Understanding of the Earnings Distribut 9789811936388
海外直订Financial Statement Analysis and Earnings Forecasting 财务报表分析与收益预测
海外直订Earnings, Earnings Growth, and Value 收益、收益增长和价值
海外直订Earnings management, ownership structure, and boards of directors 盈余管理、所有权结构和董事会
海外直订Analyst Forecasts, Earnings Management, and Insider Trading Patterns - Incidence 分析师预测,盈余管理,内幕
海外直订My Wife's Earnings. a Tale of the Married Women's Property Act, Etc. 我妻子的收入。《已婚妇女财产法》等的故
海外直订CFOs' Incentives and Earnings Management Ethics Impact on their Financial Decisi 财务总监的激励与盈余管理伦
海外直订Wages and Earnings of the Working Classes 工人阶级的工资和收入
海外直订Stock Price Reaction to Quarterly Earnings Announcements with respect of outlook 股价对季度盈利公告的反应,
海外直订Credit Risk Management: How to Avoid Lending Disasters and Maximize Earnings 信用风险管理:如何避免贷款灾难
海外直订Capabilities, Allocation and Earnings 能力、分配和收益
海外直订Capabilities, Allocation and Earnings 能力,分配和收益
海外直订Jobs, Earnings, and Employment Growth Policies in the United States: A Carolina 美国的就业、收入和就业增长
海外直订Earnings Accruals and Real Activities Management Around Initial Public Offerings 围绕首次公开发行的应计利润
海外直订Confirming Dividend Changes and the Non-Monotonic Investor Revision of Earnings 确认股利变化与投资者对盈余
海外直订Handbook of U.S. Labor Statistics 2018: Employment, Earnings, Prices, Productivi 2018年美国劳工统计手册:就
海外直订Line-Item Analysis of Earnings Quality 收益质量的行项目分析
海外直订Employment, Hours, and Earnings 2018: States and Areas, 13th Edition 2018年就业、工时和收入:州和地区
海外直订Employment, Hours, and Earnings 2021: States and Areas, Sixteenth Edition 2021年就业、工时和收入:州和地区,
海外直订Employment, Hours, and Earnings 2019: States and Areas, 14th Edition 2019年就业、工时和收入:州和地区,第14
【预售 按需印刷】Comparative Research on Earnings Management Corporate Governance and Economic Value
【预售 按需印刷】International Financial Reporting Standards and New Directions in Earnings Management
预售 按需印刷 Employment Hours and Earnings 2022
预售 按需印刷Corporate Valuation for Portfolio Investment: Analyzing Assets Earnings Cash Flow Stock Price Governanc
Quality of Earnings 收益质量
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