Preventive Medicine,Medical Statistics and Epidemiology/ 预防医学,医学统计学和流行病学 /赵进顺
Epidemiology (流行病学)(英文版)/赵进顺/倪春辉/王建明/浙江大学出版社
正版包邮9787040359183 Clinical Epidemiology Basic Principles a 王嵬主编 高等教育出版社
【全3册】赵进顺作品集/Medical Statistics(医学统计学)/Epidemiology (流行病学)/Laboratory Animal Science 实验动物学(
现货正版 精装 中国流行病学进展 第一卷 英文版 Progress in China Epidemiology Volume 1叶冬青 人民卫生出版社 9787117346900
中国流行病学进展 第一卷 英文版 Progress in China Epidemiology Volume 1 叶冬青 9787117346900 人民卫生出版社
现货 英文原版 现代流行病学 Modern Epidemiology
正版包邮 *Epidemiology for Clinicians and Medical Statistics 英文原版 牛津临床医生流行病学手册和牛津医学统 Oxford Univ
正版包邮 英文原版 Epidemiology with R 流行病学R 英文版 Bendix Carstensen 进口英语原版书籍 Oxford
公共卫生实践中的流行病学 Epidemiology in Public Health Practice 冯子健 崔富强主译 人民卫生出版社9787117265188
按需印刷图书Statistical Models in Epidemiology[9780199671182]
按需印刷Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis for Epidemiology:A Practical Guide[9781107699922]
预订Epidemiology:An Introduction
按需印刷图书The Arboviruses:Epidemiology and Ecology[9780367256807]
按需印刷图书Osteoporosis:A Lifecourse Epidemiology Approach to Skeletal Health[9781138196162]
按需印刷Bayesian Disease Mapping:Hierarchical Modeling in Spatial Epidemiology[9781138575424]
预订Epidemiology for Public Health Practice
按需印刷图书Epidemiology:Study Design and Data Analysis, Third Edition[9781439839706]
预订Clinical Epidemiology:Practice and Methods
按需印刷图书Spatiotemporal Patterns in Ecology and Epidemiology:Theory, Models, and Simulation[9780367387846]
预订Jekel's Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventive Medicine, and Public Health
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按需印刷Foundations of Evidence-Based Medicine:Clinical Epidemiology and Beyond, Second Edition[9780367187637]
按需印刷Methods in Social Epidemiology[9781118505595]
按需印刷Lecture Notes: Epidemiology, Evidence-based Medicine and Public Health[9781444334784]
按需印刷Veterinary Epidemiology[9781118280287]
按需印刷Applications of Regression Models in Epidemiology[9781119212485]
按需印刷Public Health and Epidemiology at a Glance[9781118999325]
按需印刷Managerial Epidemiology for Health Care Organizations[9781119398813]
按需印刷Practical Clinical Epidemiology for the Veterinarian[9781118472064]
预售 按需印刷 Spatiotemporal Patterns in Ecology and Epidemiology
预售 按需印刷 Causal Analysis in Biomedicine and Epidemiology
现货 按需印刷 Veterinary Clinical Epidemiology
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按需印刷Basic Statistics and Epidemiology:A Practical Guide[9780367708153]
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按需印刷Stroke:Epidemiology, Evidence and Clinical Practice[9780192630759]
按需印刷Injury Epidemiology[9781329131712]
按需印刷Epidemiology of Congenital Hypothyroidism in the UAE[9783639144529]
按需印刷An Introduction to Public Health and Epidemiology[9780335216246]
按需印刷Epidemiology of the Risk Factors for Cerebrovascular Disease[9781449055073]
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按需印刷Application of GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques in Epidemiology[9783639257090]
按需印刷Introduction to Epidemiology, 3rd Edition[9780335243174]
预订Diabetes:Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
预订Microbiome, Immunity, Digestive Health and Nutrition:Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Prevention and Treatment
预订Clinical Epidemiology
预订Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology
预订Modern Epidemiology
中国流行病学进展 第一卷英文版 Progress in China Epidemiology Volume 1 叶冬青 传染病学研究进展9787117346900人民卫生出版社
预订Adolescent Addiction:Epidemiology, Assessment, and Treatment
预订Vaccination Programmes:Epidemiology, Monitoring, Evaluation
预订Epidemiology For Dummies
预订Pathology and Epidemiology of Aquatic Animal D
预订Biostatistics for Human Genetic Epidemiology
预订Epidemiology and Biostatistics
预订introduction to genetic epidemiology
【预售】Molecular Epidemiology: Principles and Practices
【预售】Biostatistical Methods In Epidemiology
【预售】Appleton & Lange's Review of Epidemiology
【预售】Topics in Environmental Epidemiology
【预售】Clinical Epidemiology: The Study of the Outcome of
【预售】Perinatal Epidemiology for Public Health Practice
【预售】Statistical Models in Epidemiology, the Environment
【预售】Statistical Methods for Environmental Epidemiology
【预售】A Clinician's Guide to Statistics and Epidemiology
【预售】Epidemiology For The Uninitiated 5E
【预售】Clinical Epidemiology & Evidence-Based Medicine:
【预售】Campylobacter: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis and
【预售】Case Studies in Forensic Epidemiology
【预售】Epidemiology and Culture
【预售】Plant Disease Epidemiology: Facing Challenges of the
【预售】Community Nutrition: Applying Epidemiology to
【预售】Epidemiology for Advanced Nursing Practice
【预售】Methods in Field Epidemiology
【预售】Comparative Epidemiology of Plant Diseases
【预售】Statistical Models in Epidemiology
【预售】Obesity: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and
【预售】Epidemiology: Key to Prevention
【预售】Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, and Prevention of Head
【预售】Cancer Epidemiology, Volume 1: Host Susceptibility
【预售】Fuzzy Logic in Action: Applications in Epidemiology
【预售】Epidemiology of Farm Injuries in New South Wales
【预售】Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection: Epidemiology
【预售】Epidemiology of Mycotoxin Producing Fungi
【预售】Adolescent Addiction: Epidemiology, Assessment, and
【预售】An Introduction to Genetic Epidemiology
【预售】Up from Clinical Epidemiology & Ebm
【预售】Stochastic Modelling of AIDS Epidemiology and HIV
【预售】Stochastic Processes in Epidemiology: Hi